[Md-sligo] metro bus info

Reyazuddin, Yasmin Yasmin.Reyazuddin at montgomerycountymd.gov
Thu Aug 27 18:17:22 UTC 2015

81 College Park Line
Proposed Change
list of 3 items
* Route 81 runs on Sundays only. It is exactly like Route 83, but it serves Greenbelt Station instead of College Park Station.
* This proposal would make Route 83 run on Sundays. The College Park Line would no longer serve Greenbelt Station on Sundays.
* All service on the College Park Line would serve College Park Station seven days a week.
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Reason for the Change:
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* These will the make the College Park Line easier to understand. Service from Cherry Hill Campground will go to College Park Station seven days a week.

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Alternative Transportation Options:
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* Route C2 serves Greenbelt Station. It currently runs Monday through Saturday. We plan to add Sunday service to Route C2 to replace Route 81 service at
Greenbelt Station.
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81 College Park Line
Cambio propuesto
list of 3 items
* El itinerario 81 funciona únicamente los domingos. Es exactamente igual al itinerario 83, pero presta servicio en Greenbelt Station en vez de College
Park Station.
* Esta propuesta implicaría que el itinerario 83 funcione los domingos. La Línea College Park no prestaría servicio en Greenbelt Station los domingos.

* Todo el servicio de la Línea College Park prestaría servicio en College Park Station los siete días de la semana.
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Motivo del cambio:
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* Esto haría a la Línea College Park más fácil de entender. El servicio de Cherry Hill Campground irá a College Park Station los siete días de la semana.

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Opciones de transporte alternativas:
list of 1 items
* El itinerario C2 presta servicio en Greenbelt Station. Actualmente funciona de lunes a sábado. Planeamos agregar el servicio de los domingos al itinerario
C2 para reemplazar al servicio del itinerario 81 en Greenbelt Station.
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B29, B31 Crofton-New Carrollton Line
Proposed Change:
list of 3 items
* Route B31 from New Carrollton Metro Station would end at the Bowie Park & Ride lot.
* This would completely eliminate service on the back side of Bowie Town Center (Evergreen Parkway).
* There would be no service east of Bowie Park & Ride after approximately 6:45pm.
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Reason for the Change:
list of 1 items
* Few people ride B31 trips. Even fewer ride all the way to Gateway Center.
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Alternative Transportation Options:
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* No alternative service to Bowie Town Center or Bowie Gateway Center after approximately 6:45pm.
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B29, B31 Crofton-New Carrollton Line
Cambio propuesto:
list of 3 items
* El itinerario B31 de la estación del Metro New Carrollton terminaría en Bowie Park & Ride Lot.
* Esto eliminaría por completo el servicio detrás de Bowie Town Center (Evergreen Parkway).
* No habría servicio al este de Bowie Park & Ride después de aproximadamente las 6:45 P. M.
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Motivo del cambio:
list of 1 items
* Pocas personas realizan recorridos B31. Incluso menos viajan todo el recorrido hasta Gateway Center.
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Opciones de transporte alternativas:
list of 1 items
* No hay un servicio alternativo a Bowie Town Center ni a Bowie Gateway Center después de aproximadamente las 6:45 P. M.
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C2,C4 Greenbelt-Twinbrook
Proposed Change:
list of 1 items
* Split C2 and C4 into two separate routes.
list of 2 items nesting level 1
o Route C2 would operate between the Greenbelt Metrorail station and the Takoma Langley Crossroads Transit Center along the route it currently takes today.
Under this plan, Sunday service would be added.
o Route C4 would operate between Prince George's Plaza Metrorail station and Wheaton Metrorail station along the route it currently takes today. Every
other bus would go to Twinbrook Metrorail station.
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Reason for the Change:
list of 3 items
* The demand for bus service is the lowest on the section of the line between Langley Park and Greenbelt Metrorail station.
* It is easier to manage service on University Boulevard with only one route.
* The Sunday C2 service would replace some discontinued route 81 bus service.
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Alternative Transportation Options:
list of 1 items
* No alternative needed. All of the existing C2 and C4 riders would continue to have bus service.
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C2,C4 Greenbelt-Twinbrook
Cambio propuesto:
list of 1 items
* Dividir C2 y C4 en dos itinerarios separados.
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o El itinerario C2 operaría entre la estación de Metrorail Greenbelt y el nuevo Centro de tránsito de la intersección Takoma-Langley siguiendo el itinerario
que recorre actualmente. Según este plan, se agregaría el servicio de los domingos.
o El itinerario C4 operaría entre las estaciones de Metrorail de Prince George's Plaza y Wheaton siguiendo el recorrido que realiza actualmente. Un autobús
de por medio iría a la estación Twinbrook Metrorail.
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Motivo del cambio:
list of 3 items
* La demanda de servicio de autobús es la más baja de la línea entre Langley Park y la estación Greenbelt Metrorail.
* Es más fácil manejar el servicio en University Boulevard con solo un itinerario.
* El servicio C2 de domingo reemplazaría a algunos servicios de autobús eliminados del itinerario 81.
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Opciones de transporte alternativas:
list of 1 items
* No se necesitan servicios alternativos. Todos los pasajeros actuales de C2 y C4 continuarían contando con servicio de autobús.
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F4 New Carrollton-Silver Spring
Proposed Change:
list of 1 items
* Update the Saturday schedule to allow enough time for the bus to travel between Silver Spring Station and New Carrollton Station.
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Reason for the Change:
list of 1 items
* Buses run late on Saturdays.
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Alternative Transportation Options:
list of 1 items
* No alternative needed.
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F4 New Carrollton-Silver Spring
Cambio propuesto:
list of 1 items
* Actualizar los horarios del sábado para que haya suficiente tiempo para que el autobús viaje entre Silver Spring Station y New Carrollton Station.
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Motivo del cambio:
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* Los autobuses funcionan hasta tarde los sábados.
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Opciones de transporte alternativas:
list of 1 items
* No se necesitan servicios alternativos.
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G12,13,14,16 Greenbelt-New Carrollton Line
Proposed Changes:
list of 4 items
* All G13 trips would be called G14 trips. They would continue to skip Beltway Plaza.
* All G16 trips would be extended to Mission Drive - they would become G14 trips.
* Buses would no longer travel on Aerospace Road or Forbes Boulevard.
* Add Sunday service. Service would be similar to current Saturday service.
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Reasons for the Changes:
list of 4 items
* The proposed changes will simplify the Greenbelt-New Carrollton Line.
* Very few people use stops on Aerospace Road.
* Extending all G16 trips to Mission Drive will provide better service to the apartments on the south side of Greenbelt Road (east of Good Luck Road) and
to Eastgate Shopping Center.
* This route has many riders and should have Sunday service.
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Alternative Transportation Options:
list of 1 items
* Anyone using stops on Aerospace Road or Forbes Boulevard would need to use stops on Greenbelt Road.
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G12,13,14,16 Greenbelt-New Carrollton Line
Cambios propuestos:
list of 4 items
* Todos los recorridos G13 se llamarían recorridos G14. Seguirían sin pasar por Beltway Plaza.
* Todos los recorridos G16 serían extendidos hasta Mission Drive; se convertirían en recorridos G14.
* Los autobuses ya no viajarían por Aerospace Road ni Forbes Boulevard.
* Añadir servicio de domingo. El servicio sería similar al servicio actual de sábado.
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Motivos de los cambios:
list of 4 items
* Los cambios propuestos simplificarán la línea Greenbelt-New Carrollton.
* Muy pocas personas utilizan las paradas en Aerospace Road.
* Extender todos los recorridos G16 a Mission Drive brindará un mejor servicio a los departamentos del lado sur de Greenbelt Road (al este de Good Luck
Road) y al Eastgate Shopping Center.
* Esta ruta tiene muchos pasajeros y debería tener un servicio de domingo.
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Opciones de transporte alternativas:
list of 1 items
* Todos los pasajeros que usen las paradas en Aerospace Road o Forbes Boulevard necesitarían usar las paradas en Greenbelt Road.
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J11,12,13 Marlboro Pike Line
Proposed Change:
list of 3 items
* Replace the J13 trip with a J12 trip.
* The first Saturday trip from Forestville would go to Addison Road Station instead of Potomac Avenue Station.
* The Marlboro Pike Line will no longer serve Potomac Avenue Station.
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Reason for the Change:
list of 2 items
* This will simplify Marlboro Pike Line service - riders will always be able to go to Addison Road Station.
* Current J13 riders could transfer to the A12, F14, P12, V12, and V15 at Addison Road Station.
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Alternative Transportation Options:
list of 1 items
* Transfer at Addison Road Station.
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J11,12,13 Marlboro Pike Line
Cambio propuesto:
list of 3 items
* Reemplazar el recorrido J13 con un recorrido J12.
* El primer recorrido del sábado desde Forestville iría a Addison Road Station en vez de a Potomac Avenue Station.
* La línea Marlboro Pike no prestará servicio en Potomac Avenue Station.
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Motivo del cambio:
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* Esto simplificará el servicio de la línea Marlboro Pike; los pasajeros siempre podrán ir a Addison Road Station.
* Los pasajeros actuales de J13 podrían hacer trasbordo a A12, F14, P12, V12, y V15 en Addison Road Station.
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Opciones de transporte alternativas:
list of 1 items
* Trasbordo en Addison Road Station.
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K11,12,13 Forestville Line
Proposed Change:
list of 3 items
* Replace all K11 trips with K12 trips.
* The first northbound trip on Saturday and on Sunday would go to Suitland Station.
* The Forestville Line would no longer serve Potomac Avenue Station.
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Reason for the Change:
list of 1 items
* This will simplify Forestville Line service - riders will always be able to go to Suitland Station.
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Alternative Transportation Options:
list of 1 items
* Transfer at Suitland Station.
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K11,12,13 Forestville Line
Cambio propuesto:
list of 3 items
* Reemplazar todos los recorridos K11 por recorridos K12.
* El primer recorrido hacia el norte del sábado y del domingo iría a Suitland Station.
* La línea Forestville ya no prestará servicio en Potomac Avenue Station.
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Motivo del cambio:
list of 1 items
* Esto simplificará el servicio de la línea Forestville; los pasajeros siempre podrán ir a Suitland Station.
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Opciones de transporte alternativas:
list of 1 items
* Trasbordo en Suitland Station.
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Q1,2,4 Veirs Mill Road Line
Proposed Change:
list of 2 items
* Discontinue the section between Wheaton and Silver Spring Metrorail stations when Metrorail is operating.
* Consolidate all existing Q line routes into two routes.
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Reason for the Change:
list of 2 items
* This will help buses to arrive on time by having them avoid the heavy traffic near the Capital Beltway.
* It will simplify the bus service by reducing the number of routes from five to two.
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Alternative Transportation Options:
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* There will be a few Q trips that will operate to and from Silver Spring in the early morning hours before Metrorail opens and in the late evenings after
Metrorail closes.
* Routes Y2, Y7 and Y8 will provide service along Georgia Avenue between Wheaton, Forest Glen and Silver Spring Metrorail stations.
* A free rail transfer will be provided for those transferring to and from the Red Line and Q line buses.
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Q1,2,4 Veirs Mill Road Line
Cambio propuesto:
list of 2 items
* Eliminar la sección entre las estaciones de Metrorail de Wheaton y Silver Spring cuando está operando el Metrorail.
* Consolidar todos los itinerarios de la línea Q actuales en dos itinerarios.
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Motivo del cambio:
list of 2 items
* Esto ayudará a que los autobuses lleguen puntualmente evitando el tránsito pesado cerca de Capital Beltway.
* Simplificará el servicio de autobús al reducir la cantidad de itinerarios de cinco a dos.
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Opciones de transporte alternativas:
list of 3 items
* Habrá algunos recorridos Q que operarán hacia y desde Silver Spring en las horas tempranas de la mañana antes de que el Metrorail abra y tarde por la
noche luego de que el Metrorail cierre.
* Los itinerarios Y2, Y7 e Y8 prestarán servicio por Georgia Avenue entre las estaciones de Metrorail Wheaton, Forest Glen y Silver Spring.
* Se brindará un servicio gratuito de trasbordo en tren para aquellos que deban realizar un trasbordo hacia y desde los autobuses de las líneas roja y
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Q9 Veirs Mill Road Limited Line
Proposed Change:
list of 1 items
* A limited-stop MetroExtra route would be added and would operate
between Rockville and Wheaton Metrorail stations on weekdays only.
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o Limited stops would be located at Rockville station, Edmonston Drive, Atlantic Avenue, Twinbrook Parkway, Parkland Drive, Randolph Road, Connecticut
Avenue, Newport Mill Road, University Boulevard and Wheaton station.
o Buses would arrive every 15 minutes between 7:00 AM and 8:00 PM.
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Reasons for the Change:
list of 2 items
* A lot of people ride the bus in this area and buses would operate more often between Wheaton and Rockville Metrorail stations.
* Adding this extra route will help reduce crowding.
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Alternative Transportation Options:
list of 1 items
* Route Q2 would continue provide local service along Veirs Mill Road between Rockville and Wheaton Metrorail stations.
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Q9 Veirs Mill Road Limited Line
Cambio propuesto:
list of 1 items
* Se agregaría un itinerario de MetroExtra de paradas limitadas, el cual
operaría entre las estaciones de Metrorail Rockville y Wheaton los
días hábiles únicamente.
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o Las paradas limitadas estarían ubicadas en la estación Rockville, Edmonston Drive, Atlantic Avenue, Twinbrook Parkway, Parkland Drive, Randolph Road,
Connecticut Avenue, Newport Mill Road, University Boulevard y la estación Wheaton.
o Los autobuses arribarían cada 15 minutos entre las 7:00 A. M. y las 8:00 P. M.
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Motivos del cambio:
list of 2 items
* Muchas personas toman el autobús en esta área y los autobuses operarían con mayor frecuencia entre las estaciones de Metrorail Wheaton y Rockville.
* Agregar este itinerario adicional ayudará a reducir la acumulación excesiva de pasajeros.
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Opciones de transporte alternativas:
list of 1 items
* El itinerario Q2 continuaría prestando servicio local por Veirs Mill Road entre las estaciones de Metrorail Rockville y Wheaton.
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R3 Greenbelt-Prince George Plaza
Proposed Change:
list of 1 items
* Eliminate Route R3.
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Reasons for the Change:
list of 2 items
* Few people ride Route R3.
* Alternates are available.
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Alternative Transportation Options:
list of 2 items
* To get to/from Archives II, take Route C8.
* To get to/from Metzerott Road, use Shuttle-UM or walk to Adelphi Road to catch a C8 bus.
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R3 Greenbelt-Prince George Plaza
Cambio propuesto:
list of 1 items
* Eliminar el itinerario R3.
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Motivos del cambio:
list of 2 items
* Pocas personas utilizan el itinerario R3.
* Existen alternativas disponibles.
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Opciones de transporte alternativas:
list of 2 items
* Para viajar a/de Archives II, tomar el itinerario C8.
* Para viajar a/de Metzerott Road, usar el transporte de la UM o caminar hasta Adelphi Road y tomar un autobús C8.
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V14,15 District Heights-Seat Pleasant Line
Proposed Change:
list of 4 items
* Replace all V15 trips with V14 trips.
* Eliminate service to Pepper Mill Drive and Hastings Drive.
* Extend the Sunday service to cover entire route, instead of ending at Addison Rd Station.
* Extend Sunday service hours to match Saturday service hours.
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Reason for the Change:
list of 2 items
* Very few riders use stops along Pepper Mill Drive and Hastings Drive.
* Current Sunday service is poor.
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Alternative Transportation Options:
list of 1 items
* Riders currently using stops on Pepper Mill Drive and Hastings Drive can walk to Central Avenue or Hill Road. The eliminated stops are at most 0.4 miles
from stops on Central Avenue or Hill Road.
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V14,15 District Heights-Seat Pleasant Line
Cambio propuesto:
list of 4 items
* Reemplazar todos los recorridos V15 por recorridos V14.
* Eliminar el servicio a Pepper Mill Drive y Hastings Drive.
* Extender el servicio de domingo para cubrir todo el itinerario, en vez de finalizar en Addison Rd Station.
* Extender las horas del servicio de domingo para que sea igual al de los sábados.
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Motivo del cambio:
list of 2 items
* Muy pocos pasajeros utilizan las paradas en Pepper Mill Drive y Hastings Drive.
* El servicio de domingo actual no es bueno.
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Opciones de transporte alternativas:
list of 1 items
* Los pasajeros que usan actualmente las paradas en Pepper Mill Drive y Hastings Drive pueden caminar a Central Avenue o a Hill Road. Las paradas eliminadas
están como máximo a 0,4 millas desde las paradas en Central Avenue o Hill Road.
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Z6 Calverton-Westfarm
Proposed Change:
list of 3 items
* Add more weekday service to allow the buses to arrive and depart on schedule.
* Add Saturday service between Silver Spring, Calverton and Fairland with buses arriving every 30 minutes.
* Reduce the number of trips between Castle Boulevard and Burtonsville.
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Reason for the Change:
list of 3 items
* The current route Z6 schedule does not provide enough time for the buses to get from one end to the other.
* There are a lot of people riding the Z6 on weekdays, so adding Saturday bus service makes sense.
* There are very few riders using the Z6 between Castle Boulevard and Burtonsville.
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Alternative Transportation Options:
list of 2 items
* Route Z8 between Silver Spring and White Oak and Castle Boulevard and Briggs Chaney Park and Ride.
* Route R2 serves Westfarm and Calverton.
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Z6 Calverton-Westfarm
Cambio propuesto:
list of 3 items
* Agregar más servicios en días hábiles para permitir que los autobuses arriben y partan a horario.
* Agregar un servicio de sábado entre Silver Spring, Calverton y Fairland con autobuses que arriben cada 30 minutos.
* Reducir la cantidad de recorridos entre Castle Boulevard y Burtonsville.
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Motivo del cambio:
list of 3 items
* El itinerario Z6 actual no brinda suficiente tiempo para que los autobuses lleguen de un extremo al otro.
* Muchas personas viajan en el Z6 los días hábiles, de modo que tiene sentido agregar un servicio de autobús los sábados.
* Muy pocos pasajeros utilizan el Z6 entre Castle Boulevard y Burtonsville.
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Opciones de transporte alternativas:
list of 2 items
* Itinerario Z8 entre Silver Spring y White Oak y Castle Boulevard y Briggs Chaney Park y Ride.
* El itinerario R2 presta servicio en Westfarm y Calverton.
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Z8 Fairland Line
Proposed Change:
list of 1 items
* On Saturdays, buses will arrive every 30 minutes to coordinate with the proposed addition of route Z6.
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Reason for the Change:
list of 2 items
* Routes Z6 and Z8 provide service between Silver Spring and White Oak as well as to Castle Boulevard and Briggs Chaney Park and Ride.
* Between routes Z6 and Z8, the buses should run every 15 minutes on the common parts of the routes.
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Alternative Transportation Options:
list of 1 items
* No alternative needed, Route Z8 will continue to operate.
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Z8 Fairland Line
Cambio propuesto:
list of 1 items
* Los sábados, los autobuses arriban cada 30 minutos para coordinar con la adición propuesta del itinerario Z6.
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Motivo del cambio:
list of 2 items
* Los itinerarios Z6 y Z8 prestan servicio entre Silver Spring y White Oak, así como también a Castle Boulevard y Briggs Chaney Park y Ride.
* Entre los itinerarios Z6 y Z8, los autobuses circularían cada 15 minutos en las zonas comunes de los itinerarios.
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Opciones de transporte alternativas:
list of 1 items
* No se necesitan servicios alternativos, el itinerario Z8 continuará operando.
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Z9, Z29 Laurel-Burtonsville Express
Proposed Change:
list of 4 items
* Routes Z9 and Z11 would be combined into one route.
* Off-peak direction bus service between Silver Spring, Burtonsville and South Laurel would be provided by new route Z3.
* Route Z29 would be changed to go along Old Columbia Pike between Greencastle and Briggs Chaney roads.
* The express section of Columbia Pike, between Greencastle and Briggs Chaney roads would be eliminated.
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Reason for the Change:
list of 1 items
* Route changes were recommended by the Z Line Metrobus Study.
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Alternative Transportation Options:
list of 1 items
* No alternative needed, all areas will retain bus service.
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Z9, Z29 Laurel-Burtonsville Express
Cambio propuesto:
list of 4 items
* Los itinerarios Z9 y Z11 se combinarían en un único itinerario.
* El servicio de autobús en dirección fuera de hora pico entre Silver Spring, Burtonsville y South Laurel sería provisto por el nuevo itinerario Z3.
* El itinerario Z29 cambiaría para circular por Old Columbia Pike entre las calles Greencastle y Briggs Chaney.
* La sección expresa de Columbia Pike, entre las calles Greencastle y Briggs Chaney sería eliminada.
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Motivo del cambio:
list of 1 items
* Los cambios en el recorrido fueron recomendados por el estudio de Metrobus de la línea Z.
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Opciones de transporte alternativas:
list of 1 items
* No se necesitan servicios alternativos, todas las áreas conservarán el servicio de autobús.
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Z11, Z13 Greencastle-Briggs Chaney Express Line
Proposed Change:
list of 2 items
* Routes Z9 and Z11 would be combined into one route.
* The new route would operate between the Burtonsville, Greencastle and Briggs Chaney Park and Ride lots and Silver Spring by way of Old Columbia Pike.

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Reason for the Change:
list of 2 items
* Combining Z9 and Z11 would simplify the express bus along Columbia Pike.
* Route changes were recommended by the Z Line Metrobus Study.
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Alternative Transportation Options:
list of 1 items
* No alternatives needed, all areas retain bus service.
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Z11, Z13 Greencastle-Briggs Chaney Express Line
Cambio propuesto:
list of 2 items
* Los itinerarios Z9 y Z11 se combinarían en un único itinerario.
* El nuevo itinerario operaría entre los lotes Burtonsville, Greencastle y Briggs Chaney Park y Ride y Silver Spring por el camino Old Columbia Pike.
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Motivo del cambio:
list of 2 items
* Combinar Z9 y Z11 simplificaría el autobús expreso por Columbia Pike.
* Los cambios en el recorrido fueron recomendados por el estudio de Metrobus de la línea Z.
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Opciones de transporte alternativas:
list of 1 items
* No se necesitan servicios alternativos, todas las áreas conservan el servicio de autobús.
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Yasmin Reyazuddin
Aging & Disability Services
Montgomery County Government
Department of Health & Human Services
401 Hungerford Drive (3rd floor)
Rockville MD 20850
240-777-0311 (MC311)
240-777-1556 (personal)
240-777-1495 (fax)
office hours 8:30 am 5:00 pm
Languages English, Hindi, Urdu, Braille
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Thank you.
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