[Md-sligo] Transportation

Powers, Terry (NIH/NCI) [E] Terry.Powers at nih.gov
Mon Sep 12 11:27:06 UTC 2016


There is no writing on the car and they will not get out and greet you, so how do you know if you are getting in the right car? If I ask a driver, are you from Uber, anyone could say yess and I could be getting in with a stranger.
I also do not know how to text and how could I put in my requests?  I would go for a system where I could communicate with a driver and tell them where I am or what I am whereing, so he could find me.
I know someone who was discriminated againsted, right in frunt of my house, because she had a guide dog.  As you most likely saw, I have already had trouble with metro access using cabs and some of them not coming to the door or even coming to the office, at all and putting me down as a no show.
Also, metro will not tell you if it is a van or cab that is picking you up.  This is very hard to deal with in a office situation.
Terry Powers

From: Melissa Ann Riccobono via MD-Sligo [mailto:md-sligo at nfbnet.org]
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2016 8:22 PM
To: 'Sligo Creek Chapter list, NFB of Maryland' <md-sligo at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Melissa Ann Riccobono <melissa at riccobono.us>
Subject: Re: [Md-sligo] Transportation

Sorry-I am a bit late to this party, but I wanted to put in a few comments.

Knowing how Uber works, since I take it often in Baltimore, I'm guessing that this program would work more like the Taxi Access program in Baltimore. This means a few things. First, you would HAVE to call an Uber if you wanted to use this service. Metro would not be able to send you an Uber because you have to order the Uber through an app on a smart phone. So, if you would want to use Metro Access like usual, you would order your rides just as you do now. But, if you had a smart phone and wanted the convenience of same day service, then you could use Uber. I would assume that there would be a card number you would enter in the Uber app. This would allow Metro to be charged for your Uber ride, as it said Metro would pay up to $15 per trip. This is very similar to the Taxi Access program in Baltimore, but people call into the cab company, give their Taxi Access number, and then get their ride.

One would hope that if this system works, those who can and like to use Uber will do so. This will lessen Metro Access trips so one would hope Metro Access would have a better on time performance and serve the customers who use it better. Now I realize this might not be the case, as any paratransit has a long way to go to be perfect! And, I could certainly be wrong about how the system would work, but I hope I am correct.
Uber is a fantastic service. You can contact your driver directly, see how far away your driver is, know the type of car they are driving, and the rates are cheaper than a cab. If you have problems with a driver, you can give feedback right away, and I have literally had money refunded for one reason or another minutes after I submitted a complaint. You rate each driver, and each driver rates you as a customer. This leads, most of the time, to polite drivers and polite passengers. It is not perfect... Sometimes the GPS tries to navigate the driver on a route that makes no sense, and some drivers are bad drivers, rude, or just not very smart... Some don't speak English very well... But, on the whole, I think Uber is far better than any cab service, and I think it would be wonderful to subsidize rides for those who need that help.
Just some thoughts to consider.

From: MD-Sligo [mailto:md-sligo-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Michelle Clark via MD-Sligo
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2016 7:28 PM
To: 'Sligo Creek Chapter list, NFB of Maryland'
Cc: Michelle Clark
Subject: Re: [Md-sligo] Transportation


National Harbor will go in with Sligo for the resolution. I was shocked whenI read the article.


From: MD-Sligo [mailto:md-sligo-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Reyazuddin, Yasmin via MD-Sligo
Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2016 9:16 AM
To: Sligo Creek Chapter list, NFB of Maryland <md-sligo at nfbnet.org<mailto:md-sligo at nfbnet.org>>
Cc: Reyazuddin, Yasmin <Yasmin.Reyazuddin at montgomerycountymd.gov<mailto:Yasmin.Reyazuddin at montgomerycountymd.gov>>
Subject: Re: [Md-sligo] Transportation

Based upon the article in the post, the RFP will be out end of this month. They will  be considering the RFP during the month of December and award the contract in January.
May be we need to have a resolution at the state convention to enforce our policy. Another way to ensure that there are no problems later.

Yasmin Reyazuddin
Aging & Disability Services
Montgomery County Government
Department of Health & Human Services
401 Hungerford Drive (3rd floor)
Rockville MD 20850
240-777-0311 (MC311)
240-777-1556 (personal)
240-777-1495 (fax)
office hours 8:30 am 5:00 pm
Languages English, Hindi, Urdu, Braille
This message may contain protected health information or other information that is confidential or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by return mail and destroy any copies of this material.
Thank you.

From: MD-Sligo [mailto:md-sligo-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Brown, Debbie via MD-Sligo
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2016 9:01 AM
To: 'Sligo Creek Chapter list, NFB of Maryland' <md-sligo at nfbnet.org<mailto:md-sligo at nfbnet.org>>
Cc: Brown, Debbie <dabro at loc.gov<mailto:dabro at loc.gov>>
Subject: [Md-sligo] Transportation

Terry, that is a question we all have been asking.

They have to give to the AAC (which Queen is on) a report about missed trips and no-shows.  I don't think it was generally broken down by cabs or regular contractors.  That is a statistic we need to have.  It sounds as if this same-day service is different from the normal MetroAccess, and you would know that's what you were doing when you ordered it, and you would hopefully understand that's what you were doing.  I know when I call a cab that my body had better be outside or it might leave me-although cabs are routinely calling before they come these days.  Nothing I have read says that Uber will be doing regular MetroAccess trips.  Nevertheless, if MetroAccess is managing it, it is in violation of the NFB of Maryland resolution.

Debbie Brown

From: MD-Sligo [mailto:md-sligo-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Powers, Terry (NIH/NCI) [E] via MD-Sligo
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2016 4:16 PM
To: 'Sligo Creek Chapter list, NFB of Maryland'
Cc: Powers, Terry (NIH/NCI) [E]
Subject: Re: [Md-sligo] Chapter meeting and upcoming events

How can we trust this to go into effect, when some of the cab drivers, now, will not go to the door and let a blind person know they are there.  They either do not go at all or do not go to the door and put you down as a no show, in both cases.
They were supposed to put on my record, no cabs, but when I change my pick up, related to work, then they think they can use a cab.  Once in a while, they do use a cab anyway.
Action is the most reliable for coming to find the client.
After how Henry's DOORs counceler has been treated by this company, I do not trust them.
How can I communicate if I do not have a smart phone?

What a mess!!!

Terry P.

From: Reyazuddin, Yasmin via MD-Sligo [mailto:md-sligo at nfbnet.org]
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2016 4:06 PM
To: Sligo Creek Chapter list, NFB of Maryland <md-sligo at nfbnet.org<mailto:md-sligo at nfbnet.org>>
Cc: Reyazuddin, Yasmin <Yasmin.Reyazuddin at montgomerycountymd.gov<mailto:Yasmin.Reyazuddin at montgomerycountymd.gov>>
Subject: Re: [Md-sligo] Chapter meeting and upcoming events

At the chapter meeting we would like to get an update about metro access and their ability ride program.
Also we will have the Board of Elections who can register people and quietly show the features of the machine.
Last month meeting you gave out the raffle tickets. I did not get what I asked. If I come to the meeting, I will get them. Otherwise, we will wait for a better date.

Yasmin Reyazuddin
Aging & Disability Services
Montgomery County Government
Department of Health & Human Services
401 Hungerford Drive (3rd floor)
Rockville MD 20850
240-777-0311 (MC311)
240-777-1556 (personal)
240-777-1495 (fax)
office hours 8:30 am 5:00 pm
Languages English, Hindi, Urdu, Braille
This message may contain protected health information or other information that is confidential or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by return mail and destroy any copies of this material.
Thank you.

From: MD-Sligo [mailto:md-sligo-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Brown, Debbie via MD-Sligo
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2016 11:57 AM
To: 'Sligo Creek Chapter list, NFB of Maryland' <md-sligo at nfbnet.org<mailto:md-sligo at nfbnet.org>>
Cc: Brown, Debbie <dabro at loc.gov<mailto:dabro at loc.gov>>
Subject: [Md-sligo] Chapter meeting and upcoming events

The chapter meeting will be at the Long Branch Library, 8800 Garland Avenue, at 1:30.

We have many events coming up in September and October.

Saturday, September 17:  Bake sale at the Greenbelt Giant, 6000 Greenbelt Road.  We really need bakers.  Janice steps up to the plate for every baking event, but she can only do so much.  Please bake something or ask your friends to bake something.  If you are not a baker, give your friends some money to bake something.

Saturday, October 1:  Scholarship dinner and auction, Bidding for Opportunity.  Tickets are $40.  If you bring yourself and a friend, we will get very close to filling the room.  Bring your money on Saturday if you can.  Also, bring a description of your auction item, or bring the item itself.

Saturday, October 8:  Chapter meeting at which we will have Leslie Bowman from LBPH.

Sunday, October 16:  World of Montgomery, Montgomery College.

Saturday, October 22:  Friends meeting at LBPH in Baltimore, at which the author Phyllis Reynolds Naylor will appear.

Friday-Sunday, October 28-30:  NFB of Maryland state convention.  I will send you more information in a separate email.  We will have the usual banquet and luncheons, but on Friday evening we will have pizza and a performance.  The Braille is Beautiful Players will perform "Sorry, Wrong Number."  I am still looking for people to participate in the Braille is Beautiful Players.  Please let me know if you are interested in being a star.  You must be a fairly good braille reader.

If you have raffle tickets filled out, and if you have money, please bring it on Saturday.

Debbie Brown

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