[MD-Sligo] Thank you for these webinars I registered for two already and who knows I may register for all of them or Amicus register for the one of my choosing. Thank you for these governors and keep posting more and keep informing Nfb Sliger and the Nfb community at large thank you so much for all you do at American printing House for the blind academy now we can live the lives we want to live thank you very much to the APH and Nfb Sligo and Nfb at large. Blindness is not with hold us back

Mr. Chikodinaka Oguledo chikodinaka.2daughters at gmail.com
Tue Jun 15 04:09:22 UTC 2021

Sent from my iPhone. 7+ smart phone I am a federation used in the national Federation of the Blind/Nfb glory glory glory Federation Federation Federation Krug Long Green Federation Federation Federation glory Federation glory Federation or mocha goes marching on our calls go marching on see you all at Nfb online convention
. I am a federation left in the national Federation of the Blind/Nfb glory glory glory federation federation I am a federation asked in the national Federation of the Blind/Nfb

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