[Mdabs] NABS Guide Dog/Cane Call on Monday!

Darian Smith dsmithnfb at gmail.com
Sat Dec 14 21:17:21 UTC 2013

Greetings Fellow Students,

  It’s an age-old  question  of a personal decision  regarding   the
decision to travel with   Cane or  Guide dog and   which is the best
option for  the
 While no one  discussion can hope to answer that question for anyone,
the     National  Association of Blind STudents is excited  to host a
forum where
you can get your questions answered on the matter  by blind students
who  have extensive experience  traveling with dog and cane.
  Come and Join NABS and our guest  speakers NAGDU Board member Julie
Mcginnity  and Former NABS President (2009-2011) Arielle Silverman on
Monday, December
16 at 8p.m. Eastern Time as they share their  experiences and answer
questions on the pros and cons of both cane and guide dogs  travel.
 Call:(605) 475-6700  and enter code 7869673.
   We look forward to  joining you on the  call!
    Regards ,
   The National Association of Blind Students.

Darian Smith

Text the word BLIND to 85944 to donate $10 to the NFB Imagination Fund
via your phone bill.

The time is now to eliminate Subminimum Wages for People with Disabilities


“We know not of our future, but we know of our past. A past that is
made up of our ancestor’s Dreams, their stories and hopes.
These sights once seen, sounds heard and emotions felt are now our
knowledge. The knowledge that guides us to this very moment…”
-Darian Smith

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