[Mdabs] Save Money--Help the NFBMd!

Melissa Ann Riccobono melissa at riccobono.us
Mon Feb 3 17:30:42 UTC 2014

Hello everyone,

Here is a reminder about a program which allows you to save money on your
energy bill, and help the NFB of Maryland at the same time. Please consider
switching the supplier of your electricity and natural gas to Viridian
energy. Viridian does use cleaner energy over all-they use wind and solar
power whenever possible-and they try very hard to keep their costs low and
pass that savings along to their customers. A few years ago, the NFBMD
started to "sell" viridian energy to our members and friends. Each person
who signs up to purchase their energy from Viridian contributes
approximately $2 to the NFB of Maryland each month you continue to be a
customer of Viridian. This does not change anything regarding your
electrical or gas lines. If you are having a power outage or gas trouble,
you call the same company as always (either BG and E, PETCO, etc.) The only
difference is you are purchasing the power and gas itself from a different
company, and you should see average savings on your bills.

                Please consider looking into Viridian to serve your gas and
electric supply needs. The NFBMD made about $186 from this program last
year, and we really want to increase this amount in 2014. Please also
consider telling your family and friends about this opportunity. This is
something small, and relatively easy many people can do to help our work.

                How do you sign up?



or call

1-866-663-2508. Make sure you have your current account number from your
utility company. You will also need the ID for the NFB of Maryland in order
for us to get credit for your switch. Our ID is 17403.

When we began this process, Viridian was only available in certain parts of
the state. I believe the service areas have expanded, so please consider
checking out whether you are covered now, even if you were not before. Also,
you can now get natural gas from Viridian, which you could not do before, so
even if you are currently getting your electricity from Viridian, please
consider signing up to get your natural gas from Viridian as well. If you
do, it will mean an additional $2 each month for the National Federation of
the Blind of Maryland.

                Please let me know if you have any questions about, or
problems with, signing up.

Thanks for your consideration!


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