[Mdabs] NFB of Maryland State Convention Student Business Meeting
Melissa Lomax
mlomax1 at umbc.edu
Wed Nov 12 14:28:37 UTC 2014
Melissa Lomax
University of Maryland, Baltimore County (Dec. '13)
English-Literature Major
English-Writing and Sociology Double Minor
Sigma Tau Delta, Scholar
Phi Beta Kappa, Scholar
Maryland Association of Blind Students, President
Hello All!
For those of you attending the NFB of Maryland convention this
weekend, November14-16, I am so excited to see you there!! If you
are not attending but still want to: it is not too late!! Email me if
you are interested in joining us in Towson, MD at the Sheraton
Baltimore North hotel.
the Maryland Association of Blind Students will be having a business
meeting on Friday, November 14th between 2:30 and 4:00pm. Below, you
will find our meeting agenda!
MDABS Business Meeting Agenda
Theme: What's New?
Melissa Lomax: Introductions and Presidential Report 2:30-2:35
Chris Nusbaum: What's new with technology 2:35-2:45
Lauren McLarney: The fight for our rights is on! TEACH Act explanation
and involvement 2:45-3:00
New legislative initiatives are being proposed to improve the problem
with inaccessible textbooks and materials in college classes. Find
out how you can get involved in the fight!
Melissa Riccobono, state president: Get involved! 3:00
A loving mother and a great leader in the Federation, President
Riccobono will share tips to get connected and stay connected to a
group of people who set high expectations for each other and help to
turn dreams into a reality!
Ron Brown, National Rep: 3:05-3:20
The founder of Cane and Able, focused on providing orientation and
mobility instruction, will discuss his journey as a blind person and
his experience as a blind student.
Breakout Sessions: 3:20-3:40
Learn about great apps and technology, training centers, techniques
for combating issues in college, and ways to get involved at school!
Melissa Lomax: Get training! 3:40-3:45
Blind Industries and Services of Maryland offers to comprehensive,
residential training programs for blind high school and middle school
students. In addition, BISM offers a college prep program for
individuals interested in attending college and receiving blindness
skills training and support at the same time.
Board Member Elections 3:45-4:00
More information about the MDABS
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