[Mdabs] FW: Braille Challenge Stream
Melissa Ann Riccobono
melissa at riccobono.us
Sat Feb 7 00:22:47 UTC 2015
Hello everyone,
Dr. Maurer is giving the opening address at the Braille Challenge tomorrow. There will also be an awards ceremony from 3:15-4 where contest winners will be recognized. Please see below, and tune in if you are interested.
-----Original Message-----
From: Joshua Irzyk -MSDE- [mailto:joshua.irzyk at maryland.gov]
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2015 3:33 PM
To: Melissa Ann Riccobono
Subject: Braille Challenge Stream
We plan to stream the keynote address from Dr. Maurer at 9:30 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. and the awards ceremony from 3:15 - 4.
Could you please share the schedule and this link, http://www.ustream.tv/channel/MSB-Outreach-and-Training, with any interested groups.
If anyone is not able to watch live, the videos will be archived at the same site for future viewing.
Joshua Irzyk, Ed.D.
Statewide Vision Low Incidence Specialist Maryland State Department of Education
200 West Baltimore Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
(O) 410-767-0812
(F) 410-333-8165
joshua.irzyk at maryland.gov
The Maryland School for the Blind
3501 Taylor Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21236
410-444-5000 x 1410
joshuai at mdschblind.org
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