[Mdabs] FW: Braille Challenge Registration

Melissa Ann Riccobono melissa at riccobono.us
Wed Jan 7 17:50:23 UTC 2015

-----Original Message-----
From: Melissa Ann Riccobono [mailto:melissa at riccobono.us] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2015 12:44 PM
To: 'mdpobc at nfbmd.org'; 'NFB of Maryland e-mail list'
Cc: 'Julia OMeara'; 'John'; 'breiannis7 at aol.com'; 'Sabrina Richardson';
'latonya phipps'
Subject: Braille Challenge Registration

Hello everyone,

As many of you know, I am working closely with the planning of the Braille
Challenge this year. This is a fun event for kids ages 4-21 who are braille
readers. Children with all skill levels in braille are welcome to
participate in this contest. Of course there are prizes, and if students
score high enough they are considered for a trip to the national Braille
Challenge in CA, but really, a lot of the day is about helping kids to
realize there are peers out there who read and write braille, and about
celebrating the fact that reading and writing braille is unique in a great
way. Also that literacy is important... And I could go on and on.


if you have not all ready done so, please sign your child up for this great
event! There are only 19 kids signed up so far, and we would love to
increase these numbers. There will also be some nice workshops for parents
and a resource fair, so the day will be full in a good way.


The registration information is attached to this email for your convenience.
I hope to see many of you on the 7th.


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