[Mdabs] August Minute Message

nfbmd nfbmd at earthlink.net
Fri Aug 4 13:49:44 UTC 2017

August 2017 Minute Message
Fellow Federationists:
It's time to eat crabs!
When: Saturday, August 19th, 6-11pm
Where: Columbus Gardens
4301 Klosterman Avenue. 
Baltimore, MD  21236
What: Steamed Crabs, Pit Beef, & Ham - All You Can Eat! Plus a Buffet of
Entrees Including Shrimp Creole and Mild and Spicy Sausage, Sides, Salad,
Cakes. Yuengling, Bud, and Coors Light on Tap Carbonated Beverages and
Good food, good friends, good cause. This fundraiser enables NFBMD to offer
two college scholarships and youth stipends for younger students to attend
summer training programs in the skills of blindness. It also helps us
support three Bell programs. Purchase your tickets by August 12th for the
price of $55. After that, tickets are $60. Go to www.nfbmd.org.
Bells are ringing in Maryland
The NFB BELL (Braille Enrichment Literacy and Learning) Academy served 27
students this year. It was exciting to see the discoveries that are two
children who were blind for only a few months made throughout the program.
It was also exciting to see the progress that our veteran students made
throughout the two weeks. The next issue of the Braille Spectator will
contain highlights from our three bell sites. 
Summer travel
As you travel throughout the summer, please remember to fill out the form if
you use Uber or Lyft and have a dog guide, or are riding with someone who
has a dog guide. We need to know both good and bad experiences. To fill out
the form, go to: https://nfb.org/rideshare-test. Gathering this data is
necessary to ensure that these companies live up to their obligation of
The Convention is coming
Our annual state convention will be held during the weekend of November
10th-12th at the Sheraton Baltimore North Hotel at 903 Dulaney Valley Road
in Towson, Maryland. Our national representative will be Everett Bacon, who
is a member of the national Board of Directors, and president of the NFB of
Utah. You will definitely enjoy this new dynamic leader. Room rates are $95,
plus tax. Make your reservation by calling 410-321-7100. You must make your
reservation by Friday, October 13th. Details about registration will be
available soon. It is not too early to start collecting door prizes. 
Two important September events
Everyone is invited to attend the NFB board of directors meeting on
Saturday, September 9th  at our convention hotel, the Sheraton Baltimore
North Hotel at 903 Dulaney Valley Road, in Towson, Maryland. The meeting
begins promptly at 10am. We will be discussing the October Braille Literacy
Conference, planning the state convention, and more. Please be prepared to
purchase lunch at the hotel.
You are cordially invited to a NETWORKING MIXER, sponsored by the Maryland
Association of Blind Merchants. Date: Friday, September 29, 2017 from 6:00
pm - 9:00 pm. Location: Peter's Pour House at 111 Mercer Street Baltimore,
Maryland (Corner of Water & Grant Streets - Main Entrance on Water Street).
Come join us for an evening of networking and business connections. Meet
Randolph Sheppard Vendors & other blind business owners, partners,
suppliers, affiliates & supporters. We will be in a private room upstairs at
the restaurant. Great bar, great menu and great networking. RSVP to Melba
Taylor at m.taylor at encoreassoc.com or 240-381-1637.
National Certification in Unified English Braille (NCUEB) Test Special Rate
Spread the word!  Do you want to save $200?  To celebrate the twenty-fifth
anniversary of the Braille Bill in Maryland, the National Federation of the
Blind of Maryland will subsidize the test fees for the first ten blindness
professionals in the state making the cost to these individuals $75. The
National Blindness Professional Certification Board will offer the NCUEB
exam in conjunction with the Braille in the 21st Century Literacy
DATE: October 19, 2017
TIME:    8:00 am to 1:00 pm
PLACE: NFB Jernigan Institute
200 East Wells Street
Baltimore, MD 21230
To register for the test go to
You must register and pay your fee by October 5, 2017.  You must also
register separately for the Literacy Conference to be eligible for this
 Please check www.nbpcb.org/ncueb for important details including what
information is covered on the NCUEB exam, what to bring, what is prohibited,
and much more! 
Paper will be provided, but you must bring your own Braille writer.
If you have questions, contact braille at nbpcb.org.
For more information about the Braille Literacy Conference go to
New opportunity for seniors in Hagerstown and surrounding areas
BISM has started a new SAIL Program in Hagerstown. This is a great
opportunity for seniors wishing to gain or improve their blindness skills.
The program is from 10:00am-2:00pm on Wednesdays at the Trinity Lutheran
Church at 15 Randolph Street, Hagerstown, MD 21740.  BISM also conducts a
support group for seniors at the same location. For more information,
contact Cindy Holden at 240-803-2091.
Important dates
July 31-August 11, 2017. NFB BELL Academies in Baltimore and Glendale, MD.
August 19, 2017.  Annual Crab Feast, Columbus Gardens, Baltimore, MD.
September 7, 2017. Diabetes Conference Call, 7 pm. Call 641-715-3272. The
access code is 720125#.
September 9, 2017. Board of Directors Meeting at the Sheraton Baltimore
North Hotel at 903 Dulaney Valley Road in Towson, Maryland. Meeting begins
at 10 am. 
September 29, 2017.  Networking mixer at Peter's Pour House at 111 Mercer
Street in Baltimore, Maryland.
October 1-31, 2017. Meet the Blind Month. 
October 15, 2017. National White Cane Safety Day.
October 19-20, 2017. Braille Literacy in the 21st Century Conference,
jointly sponsored by the National Federation of the Blind and the Maryland
School for the Blind at 200 East Wells Street, Baltimore, Maryland. 
November 10-12, 2017.  Annual State Convention, Sheraton Baltimore North
Hotel in Towson, Maryland.
Sharon Maneki, President
National Federation of the Blind of Maryland
The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the
characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the
expectations of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles
between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life you want;
blindness is not what holds you back.
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