[MDABS] You're Invited: Hacks for Financial Independence with the Bridges Helpdesk
Bridges Help Desk
helpdesk at imagemd.org
Wed Dec 29 18:52:35 UTC 2021
The Game of Life: Hacks for Financial Independence with the Bridges Helpdesk
We invite students to join us for an interactive session where we will
learn about saving, spending, and benefits 101!
Managing your benefits can be confusing, and how do you sort through
these enormous letters that SSA sends anyway? It is possible to save
more than $2,000 while on SSI and to have working experiences while
still enjoying your SSI benefit. Want to learn how? Join the Bridges
Helpdesk on Tuesday January 11 at 7:30 PM to learn about financial
hacks to help you best manage your SSI benefits and beyond! We hope
you will join us!
January 11, 2022 07:30 PM
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 847 9552 5033
Passcode: 126453
One tap mobile: +13017158592,,84795525033# US
*Free Helpdesk for Maryland Blind/Low Vision Transition Students, Families,
Educators, and Community Allies *
Bridges Project: Bridging the College Completion Gap for Blind/Low Vision
Students in Maryland
*Check out our website <https://imagemd.org/bridges-help-desk>*
*Send us an email <Helpdesk at imagemd.org>*
*Text*: Send to *(410) 305-9199*
*Voice mail: (443) 320-4003 [*leave a detailed message and we will return
your call]
*Contact us through our accessible web form
*Like our Facebook page
<https://www.facebook.com/Bridges4MarylandBlindLowVisionTransition> *
Follow us on Twitter @BridgesHelpdesk <https://twitter.com/BridgesHelpdesk>
*Subscribe to our YouTube channel
<https://youtube.com/channel/UCtwRTbjHK0BjqqH-j5dyH3g> *
Tap into our Instagram feed <https://www.instagram.com/bridgeshelpdesk/>
This unique project is being coordinated through The IMAGE Center of
Maryland, a center for independent living in Towson, and it is funded by a
grant from the Maryland Department of Education Division of Special
Education/Early Intervention Services.
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