[MDABS] Sad News: Martin

Maryland President president at nfbmd.org
Sun Feb 2 01:00:32 UTC 2025

Information concerning a service for Gregory Martin is below.


Memorial Celebration  for Minister Gregory L.  Martin



The memorial service for Minister Gregory Martin is listed below. 


Date: Monday, February 3, 2025


J. B. Jenkins Funeral Home

One  Kettering drive

Upper Marlboro md 20774

Time: 9:30 a. m. to 11:30 a. m.


Zoom start at 10:30 a. m.


To access zoom service go to : 

jbjenkinsfuneralhome.com <http://jbjenkinsfuneralhome.com> 

Click on Gregory Martin

Scroll down and it will say web cast


If possible the family request guest wear black  or white.


Flowers   may be sent to the funeral home.





Ronza Othman, President

National Federation of the Blind of Maryland


Pronouns: she, her, hers


From: Maryland President <president at nfbmd.org> 
Sent: Sunday, January 26, 2025 4:56 PM
To: 'nfb-maryland at nfbnet.org' <nfb-maryland at nfbnet.org>; 'nfbmd at nfbnet.org'
<nfbmd at nfbnet.org>; 'greater-baltimore at nfbnet.org'
<greater-baltimore at nfbnet.org>; 'nfbmdtlc-chapter at nfbnet.org'
<nfbmdtlc-chapter at nfbnet.org>; 'central-md-chapter at nfbnet.org'
<central-md-chapter at nfbnet.org>; 'md-atlarge at nfbnet.org'
<md-atlarge at nfbnet.org>; 'md-sligo at nfbnet.org' <md-sligo at nfbnet.org>;
'nationalharbor at nfbnet.org' <nationalharbor at nfbnet.org>; 'mabm at nfbnet.org'
<mabm at nfbnet.org>; 'mdabs at nfbnet.org' <mdabs at nfbnet.org>;
'mdpobc at nfbnet.org' <mdpobc at nfbnet.org>; 'NFB of Maryland Baltimore County
List' <md-baltimore-county at nfbnet.org>
Subject: Sad News: Martin


Fellow Federationists,

I'm very sorry to share that Gregory Martin passed away unexpectedly on
January 14, 2025.  Gregory was an active member of the National Harbor
Chapter and served on the Chapter's Board.  


Information about services has not been finalized, but the family would
appreciate any contributions to help with his home-going services.  You can
make contributions directly to his daughter, Rei Martin via Zelle
(301-213-9894) or CashApp ($ReiMartin).


I will share information about services once it is finalized.  Please keep
Gregory, his daughter Rei, and all who loved him in your thoughts and




Ronza Othman, President

National Federation of the Blind of Maryland


Pronouns: she, her, hers


The National Federation of the Blind of Maryland knows that blindness is not
the characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the
expectations of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles
between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life you want;
blindness is not what holds you back


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