[Mdpobc] FW: Lib. for the BLind and Physically Handicapped Advisory Committe Mtg.

Trudy Pickrel tlpickrel at hotmail.com
Sat Dec 4 03:10:35 UTC 2010

From: Kyle.Richmond2009 at comcast.net
To: tlpickrel at hotmail.com; nfbmd at earthlink.net
Subject: re: Lib. for the BLind and Physically Handicapped Advisory Committe Mtg.
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 2010 15:14:52 -0500

Minutes from the Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped Advisory Committee Meeting - December 2, 2010
1)  Jill Lewis spoke about braille books for Mongolia, they are ok with them being in English.  Volunteer appreciation, the speaker was very good. Sharon Maneki devises great games, the omelets were wonderful and the bake sale raised a lot of money.    They are making sure everyone who wants a new digital player gets one, for example, they are contacting retirement centers, etc.
2)  Sue Shaeffer from DORS spoke about the Job Squad.  Recently, all 3 people found jobs!   So that is good.  But there are some problems that need to be revised such as that online job applications are not accessible,  applicants do not have good computer skills, and people are applying who do not want to work and then when they are offered a job, they are turning the job down, they are too worried about losing their SSI benefits.
3)  Jeannie from Montgomery County spoke about the Talking Book program.  They would like to try to get books returned which is just not happening.  They also need to spruce up the computers in their computer lab.
4)  Tyson spoke about the digital transition for users, the Braille Readers as Leaders camp, the art program and musuems and the book club.  There is little attendance for the book club, so changes need to be made.
5)  Lori spoke about the children's library and programming, focusing on core programs, the recent Pratt Musuem program, and they have already decided for this summer the theme will be "One World, Many Stories."
6)  Irene P. spoke and said that, financially, the 2011-2012 year is going to be very, very bad.
7)  Jim McCarthy and his new assistant, Stephanie, discussed the need for a production level scanner.  The equipment they have won't do Algebra textbooks.  They spoke about the "easy reader."  They talked about the database from the Univ. of Georgia regents.  They are going to do more outreach.  They want all blind students in Maryland to be aware of Jim McCarthy and his program and the assistance he can offer.  They need this information to be offered in resource centers and during transition and transition meetings.  Stephanie said that so far they have completed 39 textbooks, served 17 students from 7 colleges across the state of Maryland.  She spoke about improving disability support services.  They have Daisy 2.0 and 3.0 and can make audio accessible textbooks but no Braile textbooks right now.  There is a real need for Algebra textbooks for college students to be in Braille.
Thanks -- Jill Richmond
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