[Mdpobc] Convention Registration Again

Melissa Ann Riccobono melissa at riccobono.us
Thu Sep 8 14:42:44 UTC 2011

Hello Everyone,

Thank you so much for your patience and feedback regarding our new
registration system.  The good news???  Well, those of you who have
registered have done it successfully!  The bad news???  There seems to be a
problem with how the page is displaying visually and in Fire Fox.  Tony
Olivero is working on this, and he should have it resolved very soon.  

                For those of you who are registering more than one person
and/or children for child care...  Please ONLY put information for yourself
(for example, 1 registration, 1 lunch ticket, 1 banquet ticket) on the first
page of the form.  Please press the "register additional people" button and
you will be asked how many more people you would like to register.  Count
the number of additional people you want to register, not including
yourself, and enter that number in the box.  After completing the
information for your own registration, hit the continue button and you will
be directed to a page where you can register the next person in your group.
Register that person, hit continue, and you will be directed to either the
page to pay for your registration, or a page for the next person you need to
register if you are registering three people.  We need you to register
everyone in this way because we not only need to know the count of who is
coming to the convention, we also need names of each person so we can have
name tags printed.  We also need information for all children attending
childcare such as names, ages, food allergies, emergency contacts, etc.
There are places for all of this information on each page.  Please let me
know if this is not clear, and I will do my best to explain it in a
different way.  Again, with any new system there is bound to be bugs, and
the best way to work out these bugs is to have people actually use the
system and give feedback.  Again, the good news is that those who have
registered have been successful, so the system is definitely collecting the
data, Paypal is collecting the money, and all of the data is getting where
it needs to go.


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