[MI-ABS] At Large Chapter Meeting Wednesday Evening

Robert Earl Parsons robert.e.parsons at wmich.edu
Mon Jul 26 17:52:06 UTC 2021

Greetings Students

What a beautiful week in the state! Among the birds chirping and the sounds of people heading out for their daily activities, I'm happy to drop by with a major announcement and meeting. Many of you may recall during our Michigan Caucus at national convention we shared the activity of the At Large chapter and how we've been growing membership slowly and attempting to spread the word. This Wednesday will be the first of our meetings, where we hope to have interested parties attend, share their thoughts, and engage in some social fellowship.
The At Large chapter's mobility is important because in the era of the pandemic, virtual meetings were an easy choice to keep members connected, but now meetings are beginning to shift into in-person formats. We in the Michigan affiliate want all of our family included. Remember, registering for the At Large chapter of the Michigan affiliate is as simple as completing the form after clicking the provided link.
The At Large chapter is also happy to be including discussion topics for each of its virtual meetings, hopefully providing a safe space for members to share their thoughts on Federation changes, policies, programs, or other things that affect Michigan's blind. Please, join us for our first topics and discussion this Wednesday evening at 7pm EST. The Zoom link will also be included for this meeting. We look forward to hearing from you all soon.

At Large Registration Link: https://nfbmi.org/at-large-chapter-membership-form

Zoom Information
Date: Wednesday, July 28, 2021
Time: 7pm EST.
Topic: What is a NFB chapter? How do we uphold the mission and pledge of the Federation?

Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/9612695221?pwd=dHlxZDNwcVVZbUVTYUM5cEU4cDlndz09

With Love,

Robert E. Parsons, Jr.
Board Member| National Association of Blind Students
Board Member| National Federation of the Blind of Michigan
Western Michigan University '21
Pronouns: He, Him, His
P: 804.801.7674

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