[MI-ABS] NFBMI At-Large Chapter Meeting Tonight 8PM - Zoom Link Enclosed

therealvictormarques at gmail.com therealvictormarques at gmail.com
Tue Nov 28 18:55:33 UTC 2023



Just a friendly final reminder that our At-Large chapter meeting is tonight
at 8 PM in the NFBMI Zoom room, Zoom link and details below.


A final reminder that if you haven't paid dues but want to either vote as we
establish our 2024 board, or even run for a board position, please send your
$5 to me via Cash App ($victormarques75), Apple Pay me at 269-358-8853 or
use PayPal at the state affiliate's website under the Donate Now link at
www.nfbmi.org/donate <http://www.nfbmi.org/donate> -now. If paying me
through Cash App or Apple Pay, I'll forward the dues to our treasurer. If
donating through Paypal/credit card on the affiliate website, please forward
the receipt to me at threrealvictormarques at gmail.com
<mailto:threrealvictormarques at gmail.com>  so I can track who is eligible to
run/vote tonight.


See you this evening!


Victor Marques

On behalf of NFBMI At-Large





Meeting Information:



Meeting ID: 961 269 5221

Passcode: 902855


One tap mobile

+16468769923,,9612695221#,,,,,,0#,,902855# US (New York)



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