[Minnesota-talk] Canes on Planes

Jennifer Dunnam jennifer.dunnam at earthlink.net
Fri Jul 23 00:45:59 UTC 2010

Greetings to Minnesota Federationists:

This e-mail is just for your information.  At a recent meeting of the Metro Chapter, there were some questions about the requirements for storing canes when flying on an airplane.  Since other chapter members may have similar questions, I'm sending the language from federal regulation to you all in case you find it useful.  

There are two relevant sections in the regs.  The first section, which deals with carry-on baggage, is Title 14 CFR part 121, sections 121.589(g)(1-4). The link to find it on line is



Here's what it says specifically about canes:


(g) In addition to the methods of stowage in paragraph (c) of this section, flexible travel canes carried by blind individuals may be stowed-

(1) Under any series of connected passenger seats in the same row, if the cane does not protrude into an aisle and if the cane is flat on the floor; or

(2) Between a nonemergency exit window seat and the fuselage, if the cane is flat on the floor; or

(3) Beneath any two nonemergency exit window seats, if the cane is flat on the floor; or

(4) In accordance with any other method approved by the Administrator.

 *End of regulatory language*

The second section pertinent to canes is in Title 14 CFR section 382.41(c), which deals with nondiscrimination on the basis of disability in air travel. It can be found at 


The pertinent part reads as follows:


c)  Carriers shall permit qualified individuals with a disability to  stow canes and other assistive devices on board the aircraft in close proximity to their seats, consistent with the requirements of FAA safety  regulations for carry-on items.

 *End of regulatory language*

You will note that none of this language provides special rules for dealing with canes during take-off and landing. 


Jennifer Dunnam

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