[Minnesota-talk] FW: Seeking people with disabilities to provide user needs to technology developers

Andrews, David B (DEED) david.b.andrews at state.mn.us
Fri Jan 16 20:27:27 UTC 2015

This may interest you or one of our customers.


From: Wyant, Jay (MNIT)
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2015 12:20 PM
To: Wyant, Jay (MNIT)
Subject: Seeking people with disabilities to provide user needs to technology developers


On Saturday, January 31, Hennepin County is hosting a "jam session" with software developers as part of a larger initiative to build apps and other web tools that leverage their geography data for the public good.

The "jam session" will introduce accessibility concepts and resources to the developers. We need people with disabilities who can tell their stories to the attendees about challenges and frustrations with current apps, websites, and other web technologies. Then you can also work directly with the developers to help develop concepts and prototypes that are accessible and usable.

Please contact me if you or someone you know would be willing to attend and participate in this event. Please share this email as widely as you wish. If you want me to share this with any particular group or listserv, please let me know.

In addition, please submit ideas for issues or solutions on the initiative's ideascale site: http://geocodehc.ideascale.com



MN.IT Services, Central
651.201.1001 (w)  |  612.825.8285 (m)  |  jay.wyant at state.mn.us<mailto:jay.wyant at state.mn.us>
Information Technology for Minnesota Government   |  mn.gov/oet<http://mn.gov/oet>
Learn: http://mn.gov/oet/governance/for-agencies/accessibility/
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