[Mn-at-large] Day At The Capitol Information

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Thu Mar 10 05:47:51 UTC 2016

>To All Minnesota Federationists:
>Our annual Day at the Capitol will take place on Wednesday, March 16,
>2016.  This is the day when Federationists from all over the state
>make our presence and our issues known at the Minnesota Legislature,
>and we need you to come and be a part of it.   Below is the
>information you'll need in order to be ready for the day.
>BeforeMarch 16, please do three things:
>1) Know who your senator and representative are.  If you do not yet
>know, you can find out by either calling House information at
>651-296-2146 and telling them your address, or by going to
>http://www.gis.leg.mn/OpenLayers/districts/ and entering your address.
>2) Make an appointment to meet on March 16 with your representative
>and senator.  You can find their contact information at the website or
>phone number above.  Please make the appointments for times no earlier
>than 8:45 a.m. Those of you who live in districts where there are many
>other Federationists living as well will want to coordinate with one
>another and/or check with Judy Sanders ahead of time to see if an
>appointment has already been made with your legislator (see #3 for her
>phone number).
>3) Call Judy Sanders at 612-375-1625, to tell her with whom and what
>times your appointments have been scheduled.  She will be coordinating
>the schedule for the day and organizing teams so that no one has to go
>to a legislator's office alone and all legislators are covered.
>On March 16:
>Our headquarters for the day will be in room 300 South in the State
>Office building, located at 100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd
>in St. Paul.  Someone will be in the room all day to watch our
>belongings and to perform other coordinating tasks. There will be
>construction in the Capitol, so we will have more information about
>that before the day as well.
>The day begins at 8:00 A.M.  with discussion of the fact sheet and
>issues we will be bringing to our legislators, as well as other
>logistics and questions you may have about the day.  (The fact sheet
>will be sent in a later email). Please arrive promptly so we can get
>started right at 8:00. After going over the issues together, we will
>divide up into teams.  Each team will be given a stack of index cards
>with location information for the offices of the legislators and
>appointment times.  Teams will go around the state office building and
>the Capitol to meet with as many legislators as we can.  We will also
>be distributing our fact sheet to legislators who are not available to
>meet with us.
>Please make plans to attend our Day at the Capitol--our legislators
>need to see us in full force and to be informed about the issues
>important to blind Minnesotans.  Even if you cannot be with us for the
>entire day, your help is needed for whenever you can be there.
>I look forward to seeing you all on March 16, 2016 at 8:00 AM in room
>300 South!  If you have any questions, please feel free to call or

         David Andrews and long white cane Harry.
E-Mail:  dandrews at visi.com or david.andrews at nfbnet.org

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