[MN-at-Large] 10,000 Dreams, The Almost Autumn Edition

David Andrews dandrews920 at comcast.net
Mon Aug 24 02:11:07 UTC 2020

>The 10,000 Dreams Newsletter
>The Almost Autumn Edition
>Fellow Federationists:
>As the last days of summer roll on by, we're gearing up for an 
>exciting autumn in Minnesota. As cooler temperatures and pumpkin 
>spice lattes return (you know they're delicious), so do some of our 
>most beloved affiliate traditions. Even though the world has changed 
>a lot in 2020, we still have our Walk for Opportunity and the 
>historic fall convention to look forward to. There are myriad of 
>ways to get involved. We need your help raising funds through your 
>networks for the walk, your creative submissions to our first 
>virtual auction, and your ideas to assist in shaping the convention 
>agenda. As seasons change, we consistently work together to continue 
>building the Federation. Thank you for your resilience and 
>partnership in the movement.
>News You Should Know
>Join the Live September Presidential Release
>On September 1 at 7p.m. CST, NFB President Mark Riccobono will be 
>delivering Federation news and answering your questions live via 
>Zoom. Submit your questions in advance to 
><mailto:cdanielsen at nfb.org>cdanielsen at nfb.org and put PR497 in the 
>subject line or call 410-659-9314, extension 2473.
>To join, use the link https://zoom.us/j/95976618299
>Or one tap mobile:
>US: +16699006833,,95976618299# or +14086380968,,95976618299#
>Or telephone; dial then enter the corresponding webinar ID:
>+1 669 900 6833
>Webinar ID: 959 7661 8299
>New Edition of JBIR Out Now
>The National Federation of the Blind's Journal of Blindness 
>Innovation and Research is the scholarly journal created by blind 
>people designed to address the real problems of blindness. Some of 
>the topics in this newest issue include the association between 
>mentoring and STEM engagement, the benefits of pursuing adjustment 
>to blindness post high-school graduation, and route learning. 
>the latest JBIR articles here.
>Summer Edition of the Minnesota Bulletin Now Available Online
>The <https://www.nfbmn.org/bulletin/summer-2020>2020 summer edition 
>of the Minnesota Bulletin is here for your enjoyment. Read about how 
>our members cook on a grill, climb on their roof, and participate in Judo.
>What You Can Do
>Deadline Approaching to Register for Our Walk for Opportunity
>The National Federation of the Blind's 39th Annual Walk for 
>Opportunity (socially distanced edition) will take place on 
>September 12, 2020. There's still time to 
>by September 5, 2020. Remember, even if you can't walk one of our 
>10-kilometer routes in your area, there's plenty of inventive ways 
>to help and be a part of raising funds to do our important work. 
>Thank you for your help in making this year's walk a success.
>Items Still Needed for the Fall Convention Auction
>Though you will not be able to donate or purchase a pan of homemade 
>brownies this year, our signature convention auction will still be 
>taking place at our virtual celebration. To make this a success, 
>however, we still need your help. If you have an experience to 
>donate such as a voice lesson or assistive technology training, or 
>you create handmade quilts, or you have a friend who will donate a 
>basket of bath products, we want to hear from you. Reach out to our 
>auction coordinators Tara Coyne 
><mailto:newyawker16 at bellsouth.net>newyawker16 at bellsouth.net, or 
>Charlotte Czarnecki 
><mailto:Charlotte.renee1972 at gmail.com>Charlotte.renee1972 at gmail.com
>Register for Our 100 Years Celebration!
>register no later than October 6 for this year's historic fall 
>convention. Only registered attendees will be eligible for door 
>prizes and special commemorative gifts in celebration of our 100 
>years as an organization. Don't  forget to pay your $5.00 membership 
>to ensure you can vote on our policies and in our elections.
>Participate in our Fall Convention Town Hall on August 27
>We need your ideas to make our 100th anniversary as relevant and 
>dynamic as possible. Bring your questions and ideas to our upcoming 
>town hall on September 27 at 7:30 p.m.
>Connection info:
>One tap mobile
>+13126266799,,86878645829#,,,,,,0#,,543114# US (Chicago)
>Unemployment Benefits Survey
>The National Federation of the Blind is investigating denials and 
>barriers experienced by blind people related to unemployment 
>benefits. If you have been terminated or laid off from your job 
>within the last two years, please take time to complete 
><http://www.nfb.org/legal>this important survey.
>Ryan Strunk, President
><mailto:president at nfbmn.org>president at nfbmn.org
>(612) 872-9363
>Live the life you Want.

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