[MN-at-Large] The 10, 000 Dreams Newsletter: The Celebration Edition

David Andrews dandrews920 at comcast.net
Sun Sep 27 18:30:24 UTC 2020

>The 10,000 Dreams Newsletter
>The Celebration Edition
>Fellow Federationists:
>Last weekend, we held our 39th annual Walk for 
>Opportunity. It looked a little different this 
>year. We walked several routes all around the 
>state rather than all gathering together in 
>Rochester. We celebrated together virtually over 
>Facebook Live rather than enjoying a picnic 
>lunch in the park. We chatted about our walks 
>over Zoom rather than reflecting on the bus ride 
>home. But one thing stayed the same. You all 
>showed up and demonstrated your commitment to 
>keeping this as our biggest fundraiser of the 
>year in spite of the changes. Together, we 
>raised $6,375 as of this writing to support the 
>programs of the NFB of Minnesota.
>Thank you to every person who participated. 
>Thank you for walking, sharing our social media 
>posts, reaching out to your friends and family, 
>and asking them to give to the organization that 
>makes a difference in all of our lives. I am 
>humbled by your dedication and grateful for your efforts.
>News You Should Know
>Election 2020 Materials Available on NFB-NEWSLINE
>Check out the new section on NFB-NEWSLINE® for 
>election 2020 materials. These items are made 
>available on the service as they become 
>available. The first feature, available now, is 
>the “candidate 2020 searches” section. This 
>contains several searches for “Biden” and 
>“Trump”. There are searches available for the 
>top one hundred newspapers, breaking news 
>alerts, international newspapers, and magazines. 
>In order to access this information on a 
>telephone, you will first need to select option 
>1 from the main menu, followed by option 2 for 
>the election 2020 materials. If you are using 
>the NFB-NEWSLINE Mobile app, first select “all 
>publications” followed by “candidate 2020 searches.”
>Equal Access in Education, An NFB Priority
>As schools open around the country, both blind 
>students and blind parents are facing barriers 
>when simply trying to access distance education 
>new blog post highlights how The National 
>Federation of the Blind is working to ensure an equal education for all.
>What You Can Do
>There’s Still Time to Register for Our 100 Years Celebration!
>register no later than October 6 for this year's 
>historic fall convention. Only registered 
>attendees will be eligible for door prizes and 
>special commemorative gifts in celebration of 
>our 100 years as an organization. Don't  forget 
>to pay your $5.00 membership dues 
>to ensure you can vote on our policies and in our elections.
>Items Still Needed for the Fall Convention Auction
>Though you will not be able to donate or 
>purchase a pan of homemade brownies this year, 
>our signature convention auction will still be 
>taking place at our virtual celebration. To make 
>this a success however, we still need your help. 
>If you have an experience to donate such as a 
>voice lesson or assistive technology training, 
>or you create handmade quilts, or you have a 
>friend who will donate a basket of bath 
>products, we want to hear from you. Reach out to 
>our auction coordinators Tara Coyne 
><mailto:newyawker16 at bellsouth.net>newyawker16 at bellsouth.net, 
>or Charlotte Czarnecki 
><mailto:Charlotte.renee1972 at gmail.com>Charlotte.renee1972 at gmail.com
>Calling All Writers!
>The Metro Chapter is once again sponsoring the 
>much anticipated, annual essay contest. The task 
>is simple: write about your experience as a 
>blind person. This could be reflections on our 
>philosophy, a pivotal experience growing up as a 
>blind person, or a vignette about how COVID-19 
>is impacting your experience moving through the 
>world. The winner will receive a $75 cash prize, 
>and other eligible entries will be entered into 
>a drawing for an additional prize. The winning 
>entry and other select pieces will be published 
>in the Minnesota Bulletin. All essays must be 
>between two and five pages and submitted by 
>October 24 as a Microsoft Word document to Kathy 
>McGillivray at <mailto:gilgal63 at gmail.com>gilgal63 at gmail.com.
>Ryan Strunk, President
><mailto:president at nfbmn.org>president at nfbmn.org
>(612) 872-9363
>Live the life you Want.

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