[Mn-parents] Fwd: Agenda for 2011 NFB of MN Annual Convention
Steve Jacobson
steve.jacobson at visi.com
Thu Oct 6 18:07:16 UTC 2011
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From: "Jennifer Dunnam" <jennifer.dunnam1829 at gmail.com>
To: <nfbmn-news at googlegroups.com>
Subject: [NFBMN-News] Agenda for 2011 NFB of MN Annual Convention
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2011 23:53:40 -0500
2011 Annual Convention
October 7-9, 2011
Ramada Mall Of America
2300 East American Boulevard
Bloomington, MN 55425-1228
President: Jennifer Dunnam
National Federation of the Blind of Minnesota
100 East 22nd Street
Minneapolis, MN 55404
(612) 872-9363
Jennifer.dunnam1829 at gmail.com
National Representative: Cathy Jackson
President, National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky and
Member, Board of Directors, National Federation of the Blind
Louisville, Kentucky
Registration $10.00 if received before the convention, $15.00 on-site.
Banquet tickets, $30.00. Saturday lunch tickets, $18.00. Membership dues
(if not already paid prior to the convention) $5.00. Please make sure we
have your most current contact information, including e-mail address. If you
do not currently receive the Braille Monitor, our national monthly magazine,
please let us know, and we will sign you up.
All scheduled activities will take place on the second floor of the hotel.
Bake Auction: The bake auction will take place throughout the convention,
beginning on Saturday morning and continuing through the Sunday session.
(Charlotte Czarnecki, Auction Coordinator).
Door Prizes: Door prizes will be awarded throughout the convention. To be
eligible, you must be registered and in the room when your name is drawn.
(Rob Hobson, door prize chair).
Friday Afternoon/Evening, October 7:
2:30-5:00 Registration (Outside Pawnee Room). Registration will also
be open at other times during the convention. There is a registration fee of
$15.00 for those registering at the convention. Banquet tickets are $30.00,
and tickets for the BLIND, Inc. lunch are $18.00.
3:00-10:00 Exhibits/Sales-Winnebago Room
Steve Zent will be on hand to demonstrate a variety of new assistive
technology and to answer your questions!
NFB Louis Braille Commemorative Silver Dollars, with readable braille are
available-Proof version, $42; Uncirculated, $35
Massage: May Vang, NFB member and Thai massage therapist, will offer chair
massages in the exhibit room on Friday as well as at select times during the
day on Saturday. $10 for a 12 minute massage.
Win A MacBook Air or an Apple TV: Buy a raffle ticket from the students and
staff of BLIND Inc., and you could win your very own MacBook Air-a light,
thin yet powerful notebook computer that comes with a screen reader program
built right in. 2nd Prize is an AppleTV-a small device (also with built-in
voice output) that allows you to stream movies and other content over the
internet to your high-definition television.
Cell Phone Cases: The National Federation of the Blind of Minnesota Seniors'
Division offers cell phone cases for $10. They are quite versatile and can
be used to hold any number of small electronic devices or anything else that
is about the size of a cell phone.
3:00-5:00 Annual Meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of
Minnesota Seniors Division
Joyce Scanlan, President-Shoshone room.
3:00-5:00 Resolutions committee
Ryan Strunk, chair-Pawnee Room.
6:30-8:00 Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Association to Promote the
Use of Braille
Melody Wartenbee, President-Pawnee room.
6:30-8:00 Annual meeting of the Minnesota Association of Blind
Jordan Richardson, President-Shoshone room.
7:00-10:00 Registration: $15.00. Banquet tickets, $30.00. Lunch
tickets, $18.00.
7:00 - 11:00 The Metro Chapter of the NFB of Minnesota invites you to an
evening of hospitality and fun with opportunity to gather with friends old
and new. Snacks will be provided and there will be a cash
bar-Cherokee/Navajo Rooms.
Saturday Morning, October 8:
8:15 a.m. Registration, $15.00 (Outside Chippewa Room).
Coffee and rolls will be available (Cherokee/Navajo Rooms).
9:00 Call to order (Chippewa Room)
9:05 Opening Ceremonies
Welcome from our Host Chapter-Sheila Koenig, President, Metro Chapter.
Convention arrangements/announcements.
9:25 A Report From Our National Office
Cathy Jackson, Member, Board of Directors, National Federation of the Blind,
and President, National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky.
9:55 Dialog With State Services for the Blind
Richard Strong, Director, Minnesota State Services for the Blind.
10:25 Questions and Discussion With Audience
10:35 ON Quality Education for Blind Students in Minnesota
A Report From Kristin Oien, Blind/Visually-Impaired Specialist, Minnesota
Department of Education
10:45 What's In It For Blind Students
Cindy Bennett, Secretary, National Association of Blind Students
11:00 News From Our Library
Catherine Durivage, Director, Minnesota Braille and Talking Book Library
11:30 What's Happening At The Academy
Ken Trebelhorn, Assistive Technology Specialist, Minnesota State Academy for
the Blind
11:30 Get On The PAC Plan
Al Spooner, Preauthorized Checking Plan Committee Chair for Minnesota
11:45 Speak Out About Transportation
Chad McGuire, Member of the Metropolitan Council's Transportation
Accessibility Advisory Committee and Master of Urban and Regional Planning
Candidate at Humphrey School of Public Affairs (University of Minnesota).
11:50 Announcements
12:00 Adjourn.
12:00 BLIND, Inc. lunch (Cherokee/Navajo Rooms, $18.00).
Students and staff of BLIND, Inc. will join Federationists as we celebrate
the progress and accomplishments of our consumer-directed training center.
1:30 Informal meeting of parents of blind children (Chippewa room)
Saturday Afternoon, October 8 ()
2:00 Call to order
2:05 In Memoriam
2:10 Youth on Film and On The Move
Charlene Guggisberg, Coordinator for Youth and Special Programs, Blindness:
Learning In New Dimensions (BLIND) Incorporated
Josh Xiong and Anthony Reinhart, Students, Summer Programs
2:40 Legislation: Our Action Needed to End Subminimum Wages
3:00 The Path To Employment
Richard Davis, Assistant Director for Employment Services, BLIND,
Incorporated, and Chair of Employment Committee, National Federation of the
Michelle Jackson, Student, Centerpoint School of Massage Therapy
May Vang, Thai Massage Therapist
Dwight Freeberg, Massage Therapist
3:35 Presidential Report
Jennifer Dunnam, President, National Federation of the Blind of Minnesota
4:00 What It Takes To Succeed
Shawn Mayo, Executive Director, Blindness, Learning in New Dimensions
(BLIND) Incorporated
Christopher Meyer, Cortnie Ryan, and Sarah Lang, Students
4:50 Reports/Announcements
5:00 Adjourn.
Saturday Evening, October 8
6:00 Social Hour (cash bar (Cherokee/Navajo Rooms)
7:00 Banquet ($30.00, Cherokee/Navajo Rooms). Master of Ceremonies:
Albert J. Spooner
Introduction of head table.
Federation songs.
Presentation of Essay Contest Winners.
Presentation of 2011 NFB of MN scholarships.
Keynote Address-Cathy Jackson, Member, Board of Directors, National
Federation of the Blind.
Hospitality/karaoke will follow the banquet. (Cash bar.)
Sunday Morning, October 9:
9:00 business Session, Call To Order.- Chippewa Room.
9:15 Resolutions
Ryan Strunk, Chair, Resolutions Committee
9:45 Elections
10:05 Mid-Year Treasurer's Report
Tom Scanlan, Treasurer, National Federation of the Blind of Minnesota
10:15 Chapter/division updates
10:40 Fund Raising: What, When, and Who?-an open discussion.
11:10 Reports from representatives on committees and councils
Resource Center Advisory Council-Charlene Guggisberg and George Wurtzel
Rehabilitation council for the Blind-Tom Scanlan et. Al
Minnesota State Academy for the Blind Site Council-Jan Bailey
Employment Summit-Steve Jacobson
11:40 Closing Words from Our National Representative-Cathy Jackson
11:50 Announcements
12:00 Adjourn.
Special Thanks
The activities of this organization can only succeed with the help and
dedication of many Federationists, and the convention is no exception.
Thank you to our hosts, the Metro Chapter, for their hard work and
hospitality, and to all of the many Federationists who have worked both out
in front and behind the scenes to make this convention happen.
Divisions and Committees
National Federation of the Blind of Minnesota Seniors' Division-Joyce
Scanlan, President.
Minnesota Association to Promote the Use of Braille-Melody Wartenbee,
Minnesota Association of Blind Students-Jordan Richardson, President.
Resolutions Committee-Ryan Strunk, Chair.
Pre-Authorized Checking Plan Committee-Al Spooner, Chair.
Scholarship Committee-Sheila Koenig, Chair.
Door Prizes-Rob Hobson, Chair.
Bake Auction-Jan Bailey, Kathy McGillivray, Charlotte Czarnecki, and others.
This is the National Federation of the Blind of Minnesota's News and information Listserve.
Our Web site is http://www.nfbmn.org
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