[Mn-parents] An Additional Source of Children's Books
Steve Jacobson
steve.jacobson at visi.com
Wed Sep 28 21:24:22 UTC 2011
From: Dolly Parton's Imagination Library [noreply at imaginationlibrary.com]
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2011 12:41 PM
To: Dolly's imagination library - Newsletter
Dolly Parton's Imagination Library Book Order System
Louisville, KY (September 26, 2011) - In June of this year, the American
Printing House for the Blind (APH) and the Dollywood Foundation announced an
exciting partnership to expand Dolly Parton's Imagination Library (DPIL) to
provide young blind and visually impaired children with accessible books. Today,
both organizations are pleased to announce that the APH/DPIL Partnership has
The first DPIL audio book files are now available at the site as free downloads
to registered members of the National Library Service for the Blind and
Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress (NLS). More audio books will be
added each month.
Beginning in 2012, the Partnership will make available an annual selection of
print/braille Imagination Library books free to eligible families and for
purchase at low cost to all others (regular funds or Federal Quota funds can be
The Imagination Library is a program that has put more than 34 million free
books in the hands of children age 5 and under, and thanks to the collaboration
with APH, a selection of those books are being translated into braille and audio
Among Parton's most passionate humanitarian efforts is her commitment to
encourage a love of reading among preschool children and their families through
her Imagination Library.
"There's an old saying that you can tell a lot about a person based on the
company they keep," said Parton. "Any credit I get is really due to the hard
work and fine reputation of all of those who partner with us to bring the love
of reading to so many kids. I am just thrilled we can work together to bring
this same joy to all children who may have trouble seeing but have no trouble
in believing that all of their dreams can come true."
In addition to the audio book files, website visitors will find links to:
. National Library Service to help them register and receive a free NLS
digital playback device necessary for listening to the APH/DPIL encrypted audio
book files
. Louis Database of Accessible Materials
. APH shopping site to see related APH products
. Other national and international sources for tactile, print/braille, and
braille books for children
. Downloadable PDFs with information about emergent literacy and sharing
books with a young child with a visual impairment
"We're very excited that APH's partnership with DPIL not only expands the number
of accessible books for young children, but also connects families to a wide
range of resources that will enable them to locate and bring more accessible
books into their home. All children should have books of their own to share
with parents and grandparents." says APH President Tuck Tinsley.
For more information about APH, visit www.aph.org. For more information about
Dolly Parton's Imagination Library, visit www.imaginationlibrary.com, or the
official Facebook page.
About The Imagination Library
Founded in 1996 in Parton's native Sevier County in East Tennessee, The
Imagination Library works with thousands of local sponsors such as United Way,
Rotary, and Kiwanis to provide an age appropriate book to participating children
ages five and under in 1,300 communities in the U.S., Canada, and the United
Kingdom. More than seven million books were distributed in 2010, and
approximately 675,000 children currently receive a book each month.
To provide the Imagination Library, a community must make the program accessible
to all preschool children in their area, and the community pays for the books,
promotes the program, and registers the children. Parton's not-for-profit
Dollywood Foundation manages the delivery of books to children's homes.
The Dollywood Foundation is based in Pigeon Forge, TN. For more information,
visit www.imaginationlibrary.com.
About the American Printing House for the Blind:
The American Printing House for the Blind, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization,
is the world's largest company devoted solely to researching, developing, and
manufacturing products for people who are blind or visually impaired. Founded in
1858, it is the oldest organization of its kind in the United States. Under the
1879 federal Act to Promote the Education of the Blind, APH is the official
supplier of educational materials for visually impaired students in the U.S. who
are working at less than college level.
APH manufactures textbooks and magazines in braille, large print, recorded, and
digital formats. APH also manufactures hundreds of educational, recreational,
and daily living products. APH's fully-accessible web site (www.aph.org)
features information about APH products and services, online ordering of
products, and free information on a wide variety of blindness-related topics.
About Federal Quota Funds: The Federal Act to Promote the Education of the Blind
was enacted by Congress in 1879. This act is a means for providing adapted
educational materials to eligible students who meet the definition of blindness.
An annual registration of eligible students determines a per capita amount of
money designated for the purchase of educational materials produced by the
American Printing House for the Blind (APH). These funds are credited to Federal
Quota accounts which are maintained and administered by APH and its Ex Officio
Trustees throughout the country. http://www.aph.org/fedquotpgm/quickfed.htm
The American Printing House for the Blind, Inc. is located at 1839 Frankfort
Avenue in Louisville, Kentucky. For more information, call (502) 895-2405 or log
on to www.aph.org.
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