[Mn-parents] Reminder - Announcing NFB of Minnesota 2012 scholarships for Blind Post-secondary Students

Steve Jacobson steve.jacobson at visi.com
Wed Feb 29 01:53:23 UTC 2012

There is only a little more than a month for legally blind persons in post-secondary education to apply for one of our scholarships.  Attached are two 
documents that contain information and an application for the state scholarship program of 
the National Federation of the Blind of Minnesota.  Please distribute as widely as possible to legally blind Minnesotans 
	pursuing a post-secondary education.  

The application and associated information are made available here as a "PDF" document and a ".DOC" Microsoft 
Word document.  The "PDF" document is ideal for printing additional paper copies while the Microsoft Word 
document provides a means to supply information in electronic form which is generally easier for those using assistive technology 
such as screen readers.    

If you have any questions about our scholarship program, please contact the scholarship committee chairperson as 

Sheila Koenig, State Scholarship Chairperson
e-mail:  shekoenig at comcast.net

or refer to the attached document for additional contact information.  Applications for the Minnesota scholarship 
program must be received no later than April 15.  

In addition to the two NFB of Minnesota scholarships, our national organization is awarding thirty separate national 
scholarships with values ranging up to $12,000.  One application can be used to apply for all of the national 
scholarships, but the application for the national scholarships is not part of the attached application for our Minnesota 
scholarships.  The application process for the national and state scholarships are independent; thus, candidates must 
complete and submit applications separately when applying to both scholarship programs.  

More information on the national scholarships and the application can be obtained at


Part of the application process for the national scholarships is to be interviewed by the president of our state 
organization, Jennifer Dunnam.  She can be contacted by e-mail at

jennifer.dunnam1829 at gmail.com

or reply to this note and I will assist.  Unlike our state application, national scholarship applications must be received by 
March 31.

Finally, please visit our web site to learn more about the successes achieved and the challenges faced by blind Minnesotans.  You can find the NFB of 
Minnesota web site at


and we hope to meet you there.

Thank you very much for assisting us to reach perspective blind applicants.

Best regards,

Steve Jacobson
NFB of Minnesota Scholarship Committee

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