[Mn-parents] A Spring Activity for Youth

Steve Jacobson steve.jacobson at visi.com
Tue Mar 27 20:59:02 UTC 2012

The following comes from Charlene Guggisberg, our youth coordinator.  Her announcement is also included 
in an attached Word file for convenient printing:

BLIND, Incorporated in collaboration with the National Federation of the Blind of Minnesota (NFB) will be 
sponsoring another fun filled event for blind students on Saturday, April 28, 2012.  This time children 
will have the opportunity to play string ball at the headquarters of BLIND, Incorporated and NFB of 
Minnesota in Minneapolis. String ball is a game which utilizes ones skills that are similar to playing 
backyard baseball.  If you want to learn exactly how to play, come and join us.  
While the students are learning and gaining self-confidence their parents have the opportunity to 
participate in another informative seminar for parents of blind children.   There is no cost to 
participate in this activity for students or their parents.  If your child needs transportation to or 
from this activity please call the contact number below and we will see if we can arrange for your child 
to be able to attend.   

Children should arrive at the headquarters of NFB and BLIND, Incorporated at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, April 
28. The address is 100 east 22nd Street in Minneapolis.  Following string ball they will have the 
opportunity to prepare their own food.
The pick-up time for the students is 2:00 p.m.
Please RSVP no later then April 21, 2012 to Charlene Guggisberg at cguggisberg at blindinc.org or by calling 
612-872-0100 ext. 251


Charlene Guggisberg
Coordinator for Youth and Special Programs

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