[Mn-parents] White Cane Safety Day Activity at MSAB

Steve Jacobson steve.jacobson at visi.com
Mon Sep 24 15:33:03 UTC 2012

The following information comes from Kristin Oien of the Minnesota Department of Education regarding the White Cane Safety Day 
activity at the Minnesota Academy for the Blind.  There is an attached PDF version of the document, but I am also including the 
text here for those who may not be able to handle PDF attachments.  Please see the text of the flyer regarding contact 

Best regards,

Steve Jacobson

Flyer Content:

Youre Invited! 

Minnesota State Academy for the Blind 

Announces the celebration of 
White Cane Safety Awareness Day 

What: Proclamation, White Cane Walk, Refreshments, and 

MSAB Campus Tours 

When: Monday, October 15th, 2012 

9:30am  1:30pm 

Where: Minnesota State Academy for the Blind Campus 

 400 SE 6th Avenue, 

Faribault, MN 55021 

Go to http://www.msab.state.mn.us/News/whitecaneday/index.aspx 
for on-line registration. 

Registration Deadline is Monday, October 1st. Hope to see you there! 

Call Kristin Oien #651-582-8843 if you have questions. 

White cane equals independence 

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