[Mn-parents] Fwd: NOPBC 2014 Conference Information & Registration
Steve Jacobson
steve.jacobson at visi.com
Thu Apr 10 18:09:42 UTC 2014
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Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 12:42:58 -0400
To: blindkid at nfbnet.org
From: Carol Castellano <carol_castellano at verizon.net>
Subject: [blindkid] NOPBC 2014 Conference Information & Registration
Hi Everyone,
On behalf of NOPBC President Carlton Walker and the NOPBC Board, I am
happy to post the 2014 NOPBC Conference Information &
Registration. We really hope you'll join us from Tuesday, July 1 to
Sunday, July 6 in Orlando, FL, as NOPBC presents this year's
conference, Taking the Next Step, at the NFB national convention.
The attached information gives the NOPBC activities at the
convention. Other activities are going on all week, including the
main sessions of the NFB convention. You won't want to miss a
thing! Also attached is the child care information and registration.
Hope to see you there!
Carol Castellano
Parents of Blind Children-NJ
Director of Programs
National Organization of Parents of Blind Children
carol_castellano at verizon.net
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