[Mn-parents] Fwd: Important Message from 64oz Games

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Mon Nov 23 01:37:07 UTC 2015

>From: "Jeanine Kay Lineback" <jeanine.lineback at gmail.com>
>To: <dandrews at visi.com>
>Subject: Important Message from 64oz Games
>Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2015 19:42:20 -0600
>Dave, would you please post the below message to 
>the NFB announce, NFB members, and any other NFB 
>mailing lists you think are appropriate? I have 
>already posted it to the Promotion Technology list and the Trainer-Talk list.
>Hi All
>Emily and Richard Gibbs are the founders of 64oz 
>Games—a company which ran an earlier, quite 
>successful Kickstarter which helped them realize 
>extensive progress toward making board games 
>accessible for blind people of all ages. Please 
>see the below message from them and help if you 
>can. They are truly the real deal in terms of 
>commitment to quality and accessibility!
>64oz Games has revolutionized board games for 
>blind people with their braille accessibility 
>kits. With these kits, blind players can play 
>the same games along with their sighted friends. 
>If you are a fan of Apples to Apples and other 
>games, kits are now available. You can go to 
>to see their whole collection.
>Right now they are running a Kickstarter to 
>increase their ability to make kits. They are 
>offering braille dice as well as braille 
>teaching materials as rewards. With successful 
>completion of this kickstarter, they will obtain 
>a new 3d printer to make higher quality 
>materials. They will also be able to make game 
>boards for the first time by purchasing a CNC 
>router and a thermoform machine. With your help, 
>they can make more and more high quality braille 
>accessibility kits for board games.
>Check out 
>for more information!
>  Thank you!

         David Andrews and long white cane Harry.
E-Mail:  dandrews at visi.com or david.andrews at nfbnet.org
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