[Mn-parents] Great Lakes Braille Reading Contest begins soon

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Sat Nov 12 22:14:42 UTC 2016

>THE NEW  Great Lakes BRAILLE Contest IS HERE! 
>The National Federations of the Blind of 
>Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, and 
>Ohio  have joined together to offer the first 
>annual Great Lakes regional Braille Readers Are 
>Leaders contest for kids, grades K-12. 
>Contestants compete to read the most Braille 
>pages, going against other kids in similar 
>grades across all five states. The contest runs 
>for 7 weeks, encouraging kids to be proud of 
>their Braille reading ability and to work to 
>improve their skills -- while possibly winning 
>prizes in the process. A thumbnail sketch of the 
>contest: ï‚•        A certifying official 
>(parent, teacher, etc.) should fill out and 
>submit a registration form. This can be done as 
>early as November 1, 2016, and as late as 
>January 20, 2017. ï‚•       Kids enter in one of 
>five grade categories: K-1, 2-3, 4-5, 6-8, & 
>9-12. ï‚•     Record Braille pages read between 
>December 1, 2016, and January 20, 2017, on a 
>reading log. ï‚• The certifying official should 
>submit the reading log form by February 1, 2017. 
>ï‚•     Prizes in each grade category are: 
>first, $25; second, $15; third, $10. 
>ï‚•     Every contestant, whether a winner or 
>not, will receive a goodie bag at the end of the 
>contest. ï‚•     To get the complete contest 
>rules, registration form, and the reading log 
>form, visit the website, 
>http://www.nfbofillinois.org, then go to link 
>“Great Lakes BRAL Contest.”     Both the 
>registration form and the reading log form 
>should be submitted by email as attachments to 
>dkent5817 at att.net <mailto:dkent5817 at att.net>. 
>Please put BRAL in the subject line. If you have 
>questions, contact the contest administrator: 
>Deborah Stein Email: dkent5817 at att.net. Please 
>put BRAL in the subject line. phone number: 
>773-203-1394 This is a great opportunity. Please 
>spread the word to any students you know. "Every 
>day we raise the expectations of blind people in 
>the National Federation of the Blind.  Live the 
>Life You Want." Patti Gregory Chang National 
>Federation of the Blind of Illinois, Treasurer 
>NFB Scholarship Committee Chair pattischang at gmail.com

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