[Mn-parents] Monthly At Large Meeting for April
David Andrews
dandrews920 at comcast.net
Sat Apr 23 17:39:07 UTC 2022
It is time once again for our monthly meeting -- a week late due to
the Easter holiday.
As some of you know, we recently held some motivational and planning
meetings, with a sub-set of members, to come up with plans for
building up our local chapters. At our April meeting, we will discuss
the plan for the At-Large chapter. Below the Zoom meeting info, and
attached are the notes for our chapter. See you tomorrow.
David Andrews, President
David Andrews is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: NFB of Minnesota At-Large Chapter Monthly Meeting
Time: Apr 24, 2022 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 812 1529 2871
Passcode: 423217
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Meeting ID: 812 1529 2871
Passcode: 423217
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kN9Jwh6j
At-Large Chapter Goals
Purpose Statement
The At-Large Chapter exists to:
To support and educate one another, provide connection to members in
areas of the state without a chapter, and be a connection point
between members, the state affiliate, and national organization.
1. Have a monthly board meeting
2. Send out an agenda for each meeting
3. Increase membership participation to 20 participants on average
* Outreach to current members that we are already have
* Solicit feedback from members who already participate
5. To have a program item outside of chapter and affiliate business
each meeting
** Discuss local chapter building if there are multiple members in an area
** Invite the president from the WV at-large chapter to speak
about how they grew
** Tech trainer come demo Jaws tips
** Target app presentation on grocery delivery
** RTB app presentation
** Senior division presentation and what they offer
** Accessible money management
** NEWSLINE Presentation - Scot White
** Patti Chang - Planned Giving (Dream Maker's Circle)
** Senior retreat attendee
** Training center experiences
** SSB to come talk about senior services
** Discussion about program ideas
6. Fund members to come to state convention
* Have at least 1 fundraiser
7. Have an in-person chapter meeting or social get-together at state convention
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At-Large Chapter Goals
Purpose Statement
The At-Large Chapter exists to:
To support and educate one another, provide connection to members in areas of the state without a chapter, and be a connection point between members, the state affiliate, and national organization.
1. Have a monthly board meeting
2. Send out an agenda for each meeting
3. Increase membership participation to 20 participats on average * Outreach to current members we are already have * Solicit feedback from members who already participate 5. To have a program item outside of chapter and affiliate business each meeting
** Discuss local chapter building if there are multiple members in an area
** Invite the president from the WV at-large chapter to speak about how they grew
** Tech trainer come demo Jaws tips
** Target app presentation on grocery delivery
** RTB app presentation
** Senior division presentation and what they offer
** Accessible money management
** NEWSLINE Presentation - Scot White
** Patti Chang - Planned Giving (Dream Maker's Circle)
** Senior retreat attendee
** Training center experiences
** SSB to come talk about senior services
** Discussion about program ideas
6. Fund members to come to state convention * Have at least 1 fundraiser
7. Have an in-person chapter meeting or social get-together at state convention
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