[Mn-parents] NFB Newsline Speaker at Monthly Meeting

David Andrews dandrews920 at comcast.net
Sat Sep 17 18:09:36 UTC 2022

The At Large Chapter of the NFB of Minnesota will be holding its 
monthly meeting, this Sunday, September 18th. The Zoom information is below.

We will be having a special speaker, from the Jernigan Institute, 
Jesse Shirek. He will be talking about NFB Newsline. He will cover:

Who is it for?
How can you access the service?
What is available on the service?
Will mention the Minnesota newspapers.
How can you sign up?
The touchtone telephone option is still one of our most popular 
access methods, so I will use that to demonstrate the service.
I will talk about a few basic features.
I will try to do forty-five minutes for the presentation and fifteen 
minutes for questions.

Come and find out about NFB Newsline.  All are welcomed, all 
chapters. We would like to have a good turnout for this outside speaker!

David Andrews is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 844 6201 1223
Passcode: 385099
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Meeting ID: 844 6201 1223
Passcode: 385099
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