[Mn-parents] At-Large Chapter Monthly Meeting -- DeafBlind Services
David Andrews
dandrews920 at comcast.net
Wed Apr 12 16:42:40 UTC 2023
This month, the At-large Chapter of the NFB of
Minnesota has a special meeting in store for
you. We will be talking about services for
DeafBlind persons in Minnesota. First, Matthew
Prieb, the Adult Community Services Manager at
DeafBlind Services of Minnesota will be
presenting to the chapter this Sunday on services
the agency offers. Secondly, we will also be
announcing the formation of the DeafBlind group
which will be chaired by our own Rocky Hart, and
is a part of the NFB of Minnesota.
If you have any interest in the DeafBlind, or
want to know about services in Minnesota, or the
efforts of the NFB in this area, please attend Zoom details below.
David Andrews is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
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