[Mn-parents] NFB of Minnesota Joyce and Tom Scanlan Scholarships Deadline Approaching

Steve Jacobson steve.jacobson at outlook.com
Sat Mar 23 16:45:08 UTC 2024

Scholarship Application Deadline Coming Soon
The deadline is fast approaching to apply for a National Federation of the Blind of Minnesota 2024 Joyce and Tom Scanlan scholarship. Applications are being accepted until April 15.

What's In It for you?
This year we will be awarding two $2,000 scholarships to qualified applicants who are legally blind and attending school next fall in Minnesota. In addition to the monetary award, winners will have the opportunity to attend the Annual Convention of the National Federation of the Blind during July 3-8 at our expense in Orlando, Florida, this year. At the convention, scholarship winners will have the chance to meet other blind students from throughout the country and gain valuable insights into succeeding as blind people. Additionally, both winners are required, at our expense, to attend the National Federation of the Blind of Minnesota convention in the fall, dates and location to be determined soon. The scholarships will be presented at the banquet of our state convention.

Who can Apply and How?
Candidates must be students who are legally blind and attending a post-secondary school full-time or part-time in Minnesota. In order to apply for a scholarship, complete the online application at https://nfbmn.org/scholarship-program. Be sure to include the additional required documents and send them to scholarships at nfbmn.org. A Microsoft Word version of this information and application can also be requested through the same email address.

What Else is Needed Besides an Application?
The following documents must also be supplied:

1.      Personal essay from applicant - NFB scholarships are awarded on the basis of scholastic excellence and community/campus service and leadership. In your essay, discuss your academic and career goals as well as your academic, community, and/or employment experiences. Tell us about yourself and why you are a deserving recipient of the scholarship. Since the awards are restricted to legally blind people, the committee will also be interested in the techniques you use to succeed as a student who is blind. If you are a part time student, tell us how your part time status supports your educational goals.
2.      Two letters of recommendation - you can send these via email to scholarships at nfbmn.org
3.      Transcripts - current official transcript from institution now attending and transcripts from all other post-secondary institutions attended. If you have not yet completed one year of college study, submit a transcript from the high school you previously attended.

Is There an Interview?
All applicants will be contacted by a member of the scholarship committee shortly after the application deadline of April 15. A telephone interview will enable you to tell the committee more about yourself and your goals for the future.

What is the Deadline?
Your application, essay, letters of recommendation, and transcript(s) must be received by April 15.

What if There are Questions?
If you or anyone else should have any questions regarding these awards, please contact the Scholarship Committee, at scholarships at nfbmn.org or call us at (612)872-9363.

Are There Other Scholarships?
Additionally, the National Federation of the Blind offers 30 national scholarships each year. This is a completely separate program with a separate application process. The application deadline for that program is March 31, and arranging for an interview with our state president before the national deadline is required, but it is not too late to get this done. If you would like more information about the national scholarships, visit http://www.nfb.org/scholarships

To learn more about us and what we do here in Minnesota, please visit http://www.nfbmn.org<http://www.nfbmn.org/>


NFB of Minnesota Scholarship Committee

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