[MonadnockChapter] Time Sensitive: Opportunity to Comment on Accessibility Barriers in Voting

Andrew Harmon andrewjharmon at gmail.com
Thu Jul 15 14:17:23 UTC 2021

>From John Paré:

Dear Federation Family:

Did you encounter accessibility barriers in the last election?

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is
collecting information on this topic. They are especially interested
in your personal stories. Unfortunately, we only learned about this
yesterday and the comments are due by 5:00 p.m. Eastern on Friday,
July 16. You can submit your comments by either filling out their
form, or by uploading your own Word or PDF document.

The portal can be found at

Please read the topics for discussion under the “Request for
Information” heading, then select the “Comment” link, which will take
you to a page where you can write or upload your response.

We apologize for the late notice, but greatly appreciate your
attention to this matter.

Warm regards,

John G. Paré Jr.
Executive Director for Advocacy and Policy
National Federation of the Blind
200 East Wells Street
Baltimore, MD 21230
Telephone: (410) 659-9314, extension 2218
Cell phone: (410) 917-1965
Email: jpare at nfb.org

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