[musictlk] Inaccessible online contact forms and Websites

Joshua Lester jlester8462 at students.pccua.edu
Sat Feb 12 04:22:25 UTC 2011

Hi, it's Joshua Lester. Before the moderator accuses me of going off
topic, this has something to do with musicians. I'm tired of musicians
in general putting inaccessible contact forms on their sites. Those
forms include security codes, that we have to type in, in order for
the E-mails to send. I'm fine with security, but they should do what
some sites are already doing. They're putting an audio file there, so
you can hear those characters, that they want you to type in. Two
sites of interest, are of blind musicians. Gordon Mote, and Ronnie
Milsap have inaccessible forms on their sites. Gordon, is a Southern
Gospel singer/musician, and Ronnie Milsap is a famous Country star.
They're both blind. They should have thought about that. I have also
noticed that some sites have music as soon as you go on their site.
You can't shut it up! It's hard to hear Jaws reading something, when
their music is blasting at you! I can hit escape, on some sites, and
that shuts it up. Some sites, however, aren't that easy. What I'm
calling for is across-the-board accessibility regulations on all
Websites, be they music, news, or other. I'm tired of this mess! These
people should be more considerate.
Blessings, Joshua

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