[musictlk] A Musical Question

Linda Mentink mentink at frontiernet.net
Tue Feb 21 00:14:37 UTC 2012

Hi all,

This note was sent to me, and I gave her a few ideas. Maybe someone 
here can help her. If so, please write to Leyna directly. She lives 
in New Zealand, and is on a list with me.



"Leyna" <leyna at actrix.co.nz>

My teacher is teaching me grade 6 theory. She is fully sighted and, 
like all other students, wants to see if I understand concepts by 
having me do the exercises. We are trying to come up with a way for 
her to see my work but it is proving difficult. I have a good 
knowledge of both print and braille music and would orally dictate to 
her but there isn't enough time in the lesson as she teaches me 
accordion as well. I would love to put this oral method into practise 
at home if I could find someone who has enough musical knowledge. I 
am considering recording my answers in digital format as  a voice 
recording. My teacher has also suggested using the computer, writing 
the music as letter names. We tried this with the thirst exercise 
which was about realising figured bass. As you can imagine, we ran 
into all sorts of problems such as the use of different programs and 
the way it was set out. I also find both the recording and computer 
writing tedious as unlike a reader writer, there were things I 
couldn't clarify such as wich octave and what bar.

I'm researching ideas where I could write in braille music and have 
it translated electronically. I know there are such programs 
available but can't find specifics and wonder if I can afford them.

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