[musictlk] chicken pickin

Timothy Clark Music timothyclarkmusic at me.com
Wed Aug 14 19:51:21 UTC 2013

let's talk a bit about how to get a great sound. 
 use a bit of compression, use the tip of your finger and vary jently pluck the string. just vary jently. 
 i personally like a bit of a slap back and a bit of reverb. 
 here's a sample of the way i do it as of now. 
 depending on the gear you use you'll get a different sound. 
 i ran it direct into my interface. 
 Your friend in the music industry 
 follow me on twitter @timothyclark13 
 to check out music, photos, videos, press, show dates, and more go to http://www.reverbnation.com/timothyclark13 
 feel free to give me a call at 
 note, if i don't answer your call just leave me a voicemail and i'll get back in contact with you as soon as possible 
 thanks and god bless

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