[musictlk] Need help with this

Marissa marissat789 at gmail.com
Fri May 2 01:05:45 UTC 2014

It's my band director's birthday on May 19.  I want to make him 
braille music with "Happy Birthday" on his main instrument, the 

I asked him what key it was in and he said it was base clef.  
That it was a b-flat instrument, but the music is written in a c.  
Either that way or the other way round.

I don't want to make it look complicated, so is there a simple 
way I could write it?

I'm having one of my friends write the notes for me.

I'm thinking I should just write the notes to it in either piano, 
(c), or clarinet, (b-flat).  The only problem with that is that 
Happy Birthday can be played in so many different keys.

Please help.  Much appreciated.  I want to make my director's 
birthday mean a little more something this year.  He's only been 
my director for one year.

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