[musictlk] Proposed Accommodating Piano Instruction

James Alan Boehm jab2bs at mtmail.mtsu.edu
Sat May 23 14:27:04 UTC 2015

Good day.
 As previously posted, I am planning on taking a piano  course in the Fall. My Adaptive Tech Lab on campus has worked with the music department to work on making the lessons found in the textbook accessible. The book will be in audio  format with a volunteering assistant recording the tracks. They sent me a sample and wanted me to give them feedback. I thought I would share it with you more experienced students and professionals and get your input. Do you think there is anything that could be done differently? Is there anything that could be added to make it better? I appreciate your thoughts. Here is the link:
James Alan Boehm
Contact Information:
Phone: 901-483-1515
Personal Email: jimmydagerman80 at gmail.com<mailto:jimmydagerman80 at gmail.com>
NFB Email: secretary at nfb-tn.org<mailto:secretary at nfb-tn.org>
Kustom Cane: kustomcane at gmail.com<mailto:kustomcane at gmail.com>

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