[nabentre] Good morning all

Jennifer Aberdeen freespirit328 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 31 00:28:29 UTC 2010

Hi Sheryl,

how are you?

I always see your advertizements on facebook. I will keep you in mind if I 
should ever travel. I love to travel but never get to do it.

To the rest of the list, I've been here for a while, but I don't post much. 
I'm an AVON Independent Sales Representative. I don't have much business, 
but it's not from lack of trying.

When I ask other AVON Reps what they do to get the word out, they tell me 
they advertize on Craig's list, Facebook/Myspace, local newspapers etc. I do 
all that, and I still only have a few friends and relatives placing orders 
with me.

Is there anything else I could do? I've networked with lots of people on 
facebook; I've handed out business cards, I've left my brochures in public 

The weird thing is that through my website, anyone from anywhere in the US 
can place an order and have it delivered directly to their door. I would 
think this would make it easier for them to order stuff, but only a handful 
of people do this.

Comments, thoughts?


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and a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.


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Jennifer Aberdeen, AVON Independent Sales Representative
freespirit328 at gmail.com 

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