[nabentre] Facebook Strategy? (and Stats)

Everett Gavel everett at everettgavel.com
Wed Mar 16 00:02:06 UTC 2011

I figured this might interest some of you here.  Should
interest anyone seriously considering or running a
business, these days.  Some great stats are below, with
a link to the full article if interested.

Strive On!

(From the latest issue of Writing for DOLLARS) 

Facebook Strategy
by Natalie Bright 

"Have you looked at Facebook stats recently? The
reports are 

Close to 600 million users are active on Facebook with
50% of 
those users logging in on any given day. It's
translated into 
over 100 languages representing 47 countries. According
iStrategy, the fastest growing demographic is adults
making up 29% of all users. Recent studies show the
average user 
spends 55 minutes a day on Facebook and has 130

It may have been created for college coeds, but
Facebook has 
transformed. It's FREE advertising for people who have
to promote." 

Go online to continue reading: 

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