[nabentre] Telephone recording revisited

Brad Dunsé lists at braddunsemusic.com
Thu Jan 12 03:51:15 UTC 2012


Can you elaborate how you got it set up? The 
Olympus you mentioned is a digital recorder not head set?

>I just tried this now:

1. Off an Olympus VN6100 digital recorder I put a 
Y connector off the mike input
2. One pig tail had a lead going  to the iPhones headphone jack
3. The other pig tail went to my headset

In this I could record  both my voice and the 
caller, but  I couldn't hear the caller in my ear 
buds very well at all. Likely this is due to 
Apple's  much different head phone jack meant to 
control volumes, control MP3 player, and dual 
traveling sound for mike and ear buds. Of course 
the control on the ear bud cord would not work as 
it was routedc through the recorder.

The easiest solution is to simply put them on 
speaker phone and record the interview open air, 
but that is not too professional and not that great of an audio quality either.

I'm interested in the gaming headset, but that is 
an issue too as Win7 does not allow for recording 
off a computer as XP does,  for reasons of 
copyright issues. I think they exceeded their 
boundaries disabling that ability. We can get 
into  virtual audio cable but I really do not 
want to muck around with my system as such.


Brad Dunsé

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