[nabentre] {Disarmed} The Quest for QuickBooks is over!
Brad Dunse
lists at braddunsemusic.com
Tue Jul 8 10:44:22 UTC 2014
I’ve been using, and enjoying I might add, the Jaws scripts for the below. Even if you do not feel you need the manual or help videos, I would recommend a donation to help keep these extremely helpful scripts around for the future. If you are a Quickbooks user, you will really appreciate these!
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About Us
My Blind Spot's mission is to advance equal access and promote understanding, respect,
and opportunity for the blind, the visually impaired, and the print disabled.
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© My Blind Spot, Inc.
The Quest for QuickBooks is over!
To paraphrase from another historic moment in history, QuickBooks is coming! QuickBooks is coming! During this week when our nation celebrates independence, with all the fireworks and fanfare, My Blind Spot is proud to announce that the accessible version of Intuit's QuickBooks 2014 is available for purchase and download and is just a click away. (Please note: Intuit, Inc.'s QuickBooks for Windows includes QuickBooks Pro, QuickBooks Premier, and QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions.)
For the first time, accountants, bookkeepers, and tax preparers acquiring blindness, a visual impairment, or a print disability will have the choice to stay gainfully employed.
For the first time, people of all ages who are blind, visually impaired, or print disabled will be able to pursue financial management careers previously closed to them.
For the first time, people who are blind and print disabled will be able to manage their finances, or the finances of their small business or nonprofit, without depending on assistance from others.
In addition to offering the accessible version of QuickBooks with screen reader enhancements, My Blind Spot has developed a User's Guide as well as a broad selection of self-paced virtual lessons that demonstrate the ease of keyboard navigation for accounting, bookkeeping and tax preparation.
For the first time, the full power of QuickBooks for Windows will be available for people of all abilities to independently manage personal and small business finances.
To exercise your independence and financial freedom, and for information regarding pricing, educational materials, and training, go to
http://myblindspot.org/quickbooks/quickbooks_jaws_scripts.php <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001RcSVXv6gAEuAUTUvgoj9b8O8uiFcUG-u-1I4RJpCDUwBAEBpZDTqhnk3dkz3RXs65HHnNSLQxnwZ3bObHuwX2zyegPdFGhmbZhxw9EUH9KTpHS0Re55oRLtx-gKiXBsi99iKcX4KgI7YphgvnGxdQfvstTVYW8ACnHvVqar3jbZ1l5P-ZvTlm_uzL1m2iEIx0l4siNrQFxFQ2egIIlqDKrjbs2C8B24n&c=G9sIs99ZiACGk3GSmkLXFtTTiJEn3Jh2A0TEkPs5ayDafSc0ncl_9w==&ch=teR47xQzs4RjhuxbI4c6X-uTbBamWtiyLtZvohbyX-EIY7IHeTVXQA==>
By choosing to purchase your QuickBooks program and our educational materials through My Blind Spot, you are helping us to continue to open doors of hope and opportunity. There is much work to be done to bridge the significant digital divides that continue to exist.
Your feedback about the usability of the program is welcome and can be directed to QBSupport at myblindspot.org. The continued belief in the abilities of ALL people is what will make the difference for independence in our diverse community.
My Blind Spot thanks Intuit and especially Lori Samuels, whose passionate commitment to this project was crucial.
Inquiries about My Blind Spot and our services can be directed to info at myblindspot.org. My Blind Spot is a 501 (c) 3 tax exempt organization.
Access to the right tools promotes ability and restores infinite possibilities.
*Intuit, Inc.'s QuickBooks for Windows includes QuickBooks Pro, QuickBooks Premier, and QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions
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My Blind Spot | 90 Broad Street - 18th Fl. | New York | NY | 10004
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