[nabentre] Good business lawyers and accountants in the California south bay?

Brandon Keith Biggs brandonkeithbiggs at gmail.com
Tue Aug 4 02:50:51 UTC 2015

We are looking for a good business lawyer and accountant in the South 
bay. Does anyone know of any, or know what to look for?
We have been operating as a Sole Proprietorship, but our income has 
reached over $300000 in a year, and our taxes have been around $50000. 
We are looking for someone who can advise and who can help us file to 
become a C Corp in the south Bay. I know business law, but not tax law. 
Our problem is that any accountants we have employed have, up to this 
point, not been able to save much more than Turbo Tax and they are way 
more expensive than using turbo tax in house. The majority of our 
expenses are business related, so having the 8.5% net taxation on the C 
Corp would be very nice. I am just bad at forms, so would like someone 
who can help get those in order.
Please let me know if you have any suggestions!
thank you,

Brandon Keith Biggs <http://www.brandonkeithbiggs.com/>

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