[nabentre] Feedback on the Accessibility of...

Everett Gavel everettg at successfuladaptations.com
Wed Oct 7 18:19:05 UTC 2015


I'm writing a piece that involves online 
accessibility. I'm looking for possible article 
quotes and feedback from users of Assistive 
Technology, who have used or hav attempted to use 
any of the following 14 platforms for 
blogging/Site Building/CMS:

WordPress (both free and paid versions). Blogger. 
Tumblr. Joomla. Drupal. Ghost. Medium. CMS Made 
Simple. Wix. Weebly. Squarespace. Textpattern. 
Expression Engine. And finally, Google Sites.

If you are interested in sharing your experiences 
and/or tips to be included in a possible article, 
please contact me at everett at everettgavel.com. 
Thanks. I look forward to hearing from you.

Also, please forward this to any people or groups 
where you think someone might be interested in 
giving feedback on accessibility (or the lack of 
it, with the tools mentioned above). Thanks.

Strive On!
In Colorado Springs, USA

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