[nabentre] accessible work from home

Bernadetta bernadetta_pracon at samobile.net
Fri Apr 20 18:06:47 UTC 2018

Do you mean your profile photo?
If so, I just used my Facebook headshot, which yes, someone took of me 
and made sure it was properly sized, etc.
It doesn't really matter which categories you initially pick for your 
application; you can access any of them if you're accepted. And most of 
the system is automated, which means the clients pre-fill their own 
orders, and they sometimes put them in the wrong categories anyway. If 
they require other photos corresponding with your sample piece, that's 
news to me. I worked with them years ago, so my info may be out of date 
on this particular site, but as far as I know, the application is 
basically the same as when I first submitted mine.
I'd have someone help you scan your ID annd take your photo, make sure 
it looks clear and proportionate, and then you should be all set.



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