[nabentre] Business Ideas

Starry Sky Starry_sky at live.com
Sun Sep 2 15:52:13 UTC 2018

Hello Michael, if you want to explore the potential of your own business, how about using the concept of being a homemaker as a starting point for your new business idea?  Please do not sell yourself short in "haven't done much" in the last 12 years - raising children is a vital role and one that develops a wealth of skills and knowledge.  Some parents are wonderfully creative in what they come up with or think about.

Try to place yourself as the likely consumer/user persona for your business idea.  What were the most challenging things for you as a blind parent and how did you overcome that?  Did you develop certain products, processes, and routines to help with daily life that could be helpful to others?  Was there something that you would have liked to have as a parent but it did not exist or not available in your area?  Was there something you did or made for your children that meant a lot to them or was used a lot by them or others?  How can you help new homemakers in their journey of raising their family?  Have you noticed a trend in issues or needs in your interactions with other parents/forums?  You could come up with an original idea or you can try to improve on an existing one - just be cautious of infringement.

The Small Business Administration (SBA) could also be a good resource for those starting a formal business.  But if you are thinking about doing something web-based and feel a gap in tech skills, there are also some (free or paid) online technology courses from a host of techie sources.  You could also be a "company" of one just launching a blog site and collecting ad revenue?  Whatever you do, just make sure to apply inclusive design/accessibility principles so that people with certain limitations and/or using assistive technology are not excluded from your offerings.

All the best for a successful launch!

-------- Original Message --------

Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2018 09:07:00 -0500
From: Michael Baldwin <mbaldwin577 at gmail.com><mailto:mbaldwin577 at gmail.com>
To: nabentre at nfbnet.org<mailto:nabentre at nfbnet.org>
Subject: [nabentre] Business Ideas
Message-ID: <692ff920-4e75-b570-f35f-aa030d014e03 at gmail.com><mailto:692ff920-4e75-b570-f35f-aa030d014e03 at gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

Hello, I thought I was a member of this list, but apparently I was
unsubscribed at some point. No big deal though.
Kids are back in school, even my youngest so now I am looking for
something to do to bring in some extra money, and keep my mind active.
My choices pretty much boil down to a virtual work from home job, or
starting my own business. As this is an entrepreneur's list, I am here
about starting my own business as a blind person.
Looking for ideas on businesses and wondering what have other blind
people successfully done. I know all the tips about thinking about what
I like to do, and what skills I have and etc, but I haven't done much
for 12 years or so because I have been raising my kids. And no, I have
no desire to have an in home daycare.
We live in a very small town so that is the main reason for a virtual
job, or a home business.


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