[nabop] 2014 NFB convention is fast approaching July 1-6, 2014

Lisa Hall via nabop nabop at nfbnet.org
Sat May 31 04:20:33 UTC 2014

Hi everyone,


I hope everyone is doing well in 2014.  I have a few things to inform you so
be sure to read this email all the way through so that you don't miss


First of all the agenda for the 2014 NFB Convention is on the web and is
ready in both accessible pdf and Microsoft Word format. If anyone is having
trouble with any of these formats, let me know. I have taken the time to
have the files saved in multiple formats such as txt and html formats. 


Next, Mary Donahue, Vice President of our division, inform me a couple of
months ago that she will not be at this year's NFB convention because of
several issues being dealt with at this time. She chose not to run for the
position for the next 2 years. That means I will be looking for someone to
run the position as vice president for the organization. In case I can't
make future meetings because of health reasons, the vice president will fill
my slot if needed.


Next, anyone wishing to pay yearly dues, it is $5.00 per year.  Debbie Brown
is our treasurer and will be responsible for taking and keeping track of who


This year we have scheduled 2 meetings at this NFB convention.


July 1, 2014


Salon 15, level 2

Registration: 6:30. Learn about assistive technology in the workplace,
training opportunities, and any job announcements available. Lisa Hall,


July 5, 2014

7:00- 9:00 pm-BRAILLE PROOFREADING SEMINAR Salon 18, level 2

If you are a parent of a blind child, teacher of blind/visually impaired
children, a rehabilitation teacher, or interested in learning what's
happening in the Braille field, join us to get hands-on experience.
Presented by the National Association of Blind Office Professionals
Division; Lisa Hall, President


I am working on agendas for both events at this time.


If you can attend the meetings, please come. Let everyone you know to come
and learn what is going on in the office field. We also have some exciting
things happening in the Braille field as well. 


I hope that the agenda that I'm putting together will be beneficial and
helpful. If you have any ideas and know of a contact person for that topic,
let me know as soon as possible.


I have one last thing. This year is an election year. All officers are up
for election. It is my hope that Debbie Brown and Kevin Ledford are ready to
give their minutes and treasurer's report. Please send your minutes and
reports to me as soon as you can.


If anyone have any issues to be addressed, write to me at
lhall007 at cinci.rr.com or call me at home at (513) 931-7070 or cell phone at
(513) 550-5155.


During convention week, contact me on my cell phone since I may not have
access to email on the road.

If you prefer, you can send text message by using my cell phone number. I
have a couple of Braille displays and will have them at convention. I now
own an iPhone 5 and an iPad Mini. Both of these devices can be used with my
Focus 40 and 14 Braille displays.

If you never had an opportunity to get hands-on experience in learning to
navigate and use it, let me know and I can set up a time for individualize
training if needed. I will also have my wireless Apple keyboard, external
speaker, and a couple of headphones for anyone to try it.


See everyone in Orlando, Florida.




Lisa Hall, President

National Association of Blind Office Professionals (NABOP)



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