[nabop] Braille transcription course questions

Lisa Hall lhall007 at cinci.rr.com
Thu May 28 01:58:10 UTC 2015

Hi Sarah,

In submitting your lesssons, you can use whatever method you use: 
Perkins braillewriter, Perky duck on computer with braille display, or 
your nnotetaker. You must follow their standard guideline mentioned in 
the course with 40 characters per line with 25 lines per page.
In your manual there is a section where it talks about how to center a heading.
If you need more help with this, call me at home at (513) 931-7070 in 
the evenings or weekends.
My email is lhall007 at cinci.rr.com.
Thank you for inquiring.

Lisa Hall
President of National Association of Blind Office Professionals (NABOP)

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