[nabs-l] accomodations in public school

Ashley Bramlett bookwormahb at earthlink.net
Tue Nov 4 20:05:01 UTC 2008

Hi all,

I'm asking this for a class as well as to compare my experience to yours.  I had pretty decent services.  I got braille and audio books and my TVI was good at giving braille handouts and I got extra time on tests.
As we have discussed before, I struggled fitting in socially though.

In my psychology of individuals with disabilities class, I was asked to present about visual impairment and accomodations and other academic impact.  So my questions.
1. What accomodations did you use?  
2. Were they effective? If you used print you may have been more effective with braille.  

3. What should have been done that was not?

Common accomodations I can think of are: large print or braille handouts, audio texts, and extended time on tests.


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