[nabs-l] Philosophical Terminology

Terri Rupp terri.rupp at gmail.com
Wed Nov 5 20:25:54 UTC 2008

Karen and all,
The NFB is using different outlets to try to reach out to nonmembers.
Facebook is just one of them.  Although as you said, the philosophy of the
federation is based on the word "Blind", that word "Blind" is sometimes a
negative things to those people struggling to deal or accept their
blindness.  It was only until a few years ago that I was one of them.  I
didn't want to associate with anything that labeled me as blind.  I felt
ashamed to be blind and called myself "visually impaired".  The acceptance
of one's blindness is a grieving process that each person goes through
differently.  What we have to do is serve as possitive blind role models,
and show that being blind is no different than being short.  It is simply a
characteristic.  Once we attract them to these groups, we can promote NFB
activities, scholarships, etc and reel them in with our philosophy.

Terri Rupp, President
National Association of Blind Students
nabs.president at gmail.com

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